Urinary System Flashcards
Which of the following is correct regarding thiazide diuretics?
A. Decreases Na concentration in the urine
B. Increases K concentration in the bloodstream
C. Decreases glucose concentration in the urine
D. Increases uric acid in the bloodstream
- D
Where is angiotensin converting enzyme made? A. Liver B. Lung C. Kidney D. Pancreas
- B
Which of the following potassium-sparing diuretics can lead to breast development as a side-effect? A. Triamterene B. Amiloride C. Aldosterone D. Spironolactone
- D
The uric acid level is most commonly used to evaluate gout and A. Inflammation of the prostate B. Urinary tract infections C. Renal failure D. Gastric reflux disease
- C
Uric acid is made in the A. Ureters B. Kidneys C. Liver D. Bladder
- C
Uric acid can be deposited in joints and A. Lungs B. Bones C. Crystallized into kidney stones D. Heart
- C
In laboratory studies, creatinine levels are related to which of the following organs? A. Liver B. Heart C. Spleen D. Kidneys
- D
A patient comes to you with flank pain, high fever, and burning urination. You should refer him to a specialist to rule out: A. Heart disease B. Kidney disease C. Stomach disease D. Liver disease
- B
A patient has colicky pain in the lower back radiating to the groin, nausea, vomiting, hematuria, and difficult urination. You should send to a specialist to rule out A. Cholecystitis B. Urinary tract infection C. Peritonitis D. Urolithiasis
- D
A person taking the prescription medication Lasix should eat foods that are high in A. Zinc B. Calcium C. Sodium D. Potassium
- D
A 65 year old man complains of unquenchable excessive thirst and frequent urination. You should refer him to a specialist to rule out A. Bladder infection B. Gall bladder attack C. Angina D. Diabetes
- D
During urinalysis, the urine of a patient with diabetes insipidus is MOST likely to appear A. Without color B. Dark amber C. Pale yellow D. Greenish-gold
- A
PSA levels are tracked for the A.Lungs B. Kidneys C. Breasts D. Prostate
- D
Excessive licorice intake increases urinary excretion of A. Calcium B. Potassium C. Vitamin C D. Sodium
- B
In preeclampsia, what is the urine checked for? A. Leukocytes B. Blood C. Bilirubin D. Protein
- D
When a patient's blood pressure falls the kidneys release which enzyme into the bloodstream? A. Phosphotases B. Kinase C. Renin D. Protease
- C
Cytoscopy is used to check the A. Bladder B. Colon C. Stomach D. Uterus
- A
A patient with a bladder infection is given Pyridium (phenazopyridine). This urinary analgesic will cause her urine to A. Smell sour B. Decrease in volume C. Appear cloudy D. Change to the color orange
- D
Which of the following symptoms when associated with hypertension and proteinuria can indicate pre-eclampsia? A. Obesity B. Edema C. Anemia D. Headaches
- B
In the urinalysis test which urine constituent indicates the possible presence of bacterial infections somewhere in the urinary tract? A. Ketones B. Nitrites C. Urobilinogen D. Biliruben
- B
In the urinalysis test which urine constituent is associated with gallstones? A. Urobilinogen B. Bilirubin C. Ketones D. Nitrites
- B
Which of the following is not true about the Urine Glucose test?
A. Part of routine urinalysis
B. Diagnoses of diabetes
C. Screens for possible diabetes
D. Can be used to monitor therapies for diabetes
- B
The Urea Nitrogen (BUN) blood test measures A. Kidney and liver function B. Large and small intestine function C. Heart and lung function D. Lymphatic system
- A
Which of the following is NOT found through urinalysis?
A. Bilirubin, urobilinogen, crystals, protein
B. Fatty casts, epithelial casts, granular casts, hyaline casts
C. Leukocyte esterase, nitrites, ketones
D. Enterococcus, clostridium, shigella
- D
The Cortisol Urine test is performed in patients with suspected
A. Diabetes
B. Pancreatitis
C. Hyperfunction or hypofunction of the adrenal gland
D. Multiple myeloma
- C
A Schilling test for pernicious anemia involves collecting A. Stools B. Urine C. a hair sample D. blood
- B
Demerol (merepidine) is contraindicated for patients with A. Renal dysfunction B. Liver dysfunction c. Sensory dysfunction D. Digestive dysfunction
- A
After the age of 40, how often do certain health organizations recommend prostate cancer screening? A. Every six months B. Every two years c. Every month D. Every year
- D
Gary is a 50 year-old stockbroker. One cold and rainy day he arrives at the doctor’s office complaining of right foot pain. He is wearing soft moccasin slippers and cries out in pain when the doctor attempts to remove the right slipper. The right big toe is red, swollen, and. inflamed extending from the toe into the ball of the foot. The rest of the foot is not Involved. The left foot is unremarkable. All other joints are normal. Physical exam reveals a slight tenderness to palpation on the right kidney. Last month he went to the ER to
Pass a kidney stone. He was told to drink lots of water and has had no problems since. He usually drinks one or tow cocktails after work and last night he drank
more than usual. What is the presumptive diagnosis?
A. Osteoarthritis
B. Fracture
c. Rheumatoid arthritis
D. Gout
- D
A 22 year old male complains of a yellow-green discharge from his penis. He has had over 20 sexual partners. His last sexual contact was 1 week ago. He
denies fever and chills but reports burning pain with urination and a purulent discharge from the urethra. He drinks a case of beer every weekend and smokes cigarettes. PHYSICAL EXAM: BP 110/60 mm Hg; HR 75 bpm and regular; respiratory rate 16 breaths/min; temperature 98.6 F. Tests are descended bilaterally; no scrotal or testicular mass, ulceration, testes, or warts; purulent yellow discharge present; prostate is smooth and non tender. Based on the preceding history and limited physical examination prior to lab test. What is the most likely disease state?
A. Epididymitis
B. Prostatitis
C. Syphilis .
D. Urethritis-Chlamydia
- D
A 75 year old female is losing control of her bladder every day. She had the problem in the past but has gotten worse. She denies burning pain with urination, urinary urgency, blood in the urine, incomplete emptying, and urinary hesitancy. She loses urine with coughing and sneezing. She denies fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, back pain, leg pain, and leg tingling. She does not have any chronic conditions. She denies fatigue, weight loss, headaches, vision and hearing changes, shortness of breath, and joint pain. PHYSICAL EXAM: BP 11 0/7 5 mm Hg; temperature 99.1 degrees F. She has normal female external genitalia with grade II cystocele; vaginal mucosa is atrophic with no adnexal
masses. Cranial nerves II to XII are normal. Based on the preceding history and limited physical examination prior to lab tests what is the most likely disease state?
A. Stress urinary incontinence
B. Functional incontinence
D. Overflow incontinence
- A
The generic names for thiazide diuretic drugs all end with A. -caine B. -thiazide C. -semide D. -ceph
- B
A 45 year-old female has Acute Glomerulonephritis. All of the following confirm the diagnosis except A. Granular casts B. Elevated serum creatinine C. Low creatinine clearance D. Proteinuria and hematuria
- A
A 36 year-old female has a lower Urinary Tract Infection. Treatment consists of A. Anti-fungals (Sporanox) B. Anti-parasitics (Vermox) C. Anti-biotics (Bactrim) D. Anti-virals (Tyzeka)
- C
A 36 year-old female has a lower Urinary Tract Infection. What are her symptoms? . ·
A. Urinary frequency, urgency, nocturia, decreased size and force of urinary stream
B. Decreased urination, edema, hematuria, azotemia, fatigue
c. Urgency, dysuria, felling of warmth during urination, hematuria
D. Radiating pain from flank to abdomen, difficulty with urination
- C
A 47 year-old male has Urolithiasis. The calculi are 1.5 cm and are located in the renal pelvis. Treatment consists of A. Shockwave lithotripsy B. Anti-spasmodics (Bentyl) C. Renal surgery D. Analgesics (Vicodin)
- A
A 4 7 year-old male has an acute attack of Urolithiasis. All of the following can help confirm the diagnosis except A. Urinalysis B. Renal MRI C. Renal ultrasonography D. Renal CT
- B
A 47 year-old male has an acute attack of Urolithiasis. What are his symptoms
A. Decreased urination, edema, hematuria, azotemia, fatigue ·
B. Urinary frequency, urgency, nocturia, decreased size and force of urinary stream
c. Excruciating and intermittent radiating pain from flank to abdomen,nausea, vomiting
D. Urgency, dysuria, felling of warmth during urination hematuria low back pain
- C
A 52 year-old male has Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). What are the symptoms?
A. Urinary frequency, urgency, nocturia, decreased size and force of urinary stream
B. Radiating pain from flank to abdomen, difficulty with urination
C. Decreased urination, edema, hematuria, azotemia fatigue
D. Urgency, dysuria, feeling of warmth during urination
- A
A 45 year-old female has Acute Glomerulonephritis. What are her symptoms?
A. Edema, oliguria, hematuria , azotemia, hypertension, fatigue
B. Urgency, dysuria, feeling of warmth during urination, hematuria, low back pain
C. Urinary frequency, urgency, nocturia, decreased size and force of urinary stream
D. Excruciating and intermittent radiating pain from flank to abdomen, nausea, vomiting
- A
A 45 year-old female has Acute Glomerulonephritis. Treatment can consist of all the following except A. Fluid and dietary sodium restriction B. Diuretics (Lasix) C. Anti-fungals (Diflucam) D. Anti-hypertensives (Apresoline)
- C
A 52 year-old male has Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). Diagnosis may include any of the following except A. Transrectal ultrasonography B. Colonoscopy C. Digital rectal examination D.PSA
- B
The substance abuse urine test can identify drug usage for the past A. 7-14 days B. 15-30 days C. 4-7 days D. 1-3 days
- A
The urine sodium test is useful in evaluating patients with all of the following EXCEPT A. UTIs B. Adrenal disease C. Acid base imbalance D. Acute renal failure
- A
The urine potassium test is used in all of the following EXCEPT A. Dehydration B. Diarrhea C. Disorders of the kidneys D. Constipation
- D
Which of the following tests help to identify persons at risk for kidney stone formation? A. Urine osmolality test B. Urine uric acid test C. Sodium urine test D. Potassium urine test
- B
In the urinalysis test which urine constituent is associated with alcoholism, severe stress or illness, high-protein or weight-reduction diets, and hyperthyroidism? A. Nitrites B. Ketones C. Urobilinogen D. Bilirubin
- B
Diuretic therapy, like the use of the drug Lasix, increases the urinary excretion of A. Sodium B. Vitamin C C. Calcium D. Potassium
- D
In the urinalysis test which urine constituent is associated with gallstones A. Bilirubin B. Nitrites C. Urobilinogen D. Ketones
- A
Urinary pregnanediol is measured to evaluate A. Melatonin B. DHEA C. Progesterone D.ACTH
- C
Excessive licorice intake increase urinary excretion of A. Vitamin C B. Calcium C. Sodium D. Potassium
- D
Calcium blood levels are used to monitor parathyroid function and A. Lung failure B. Liver failure C. Heart failure D. Renal failure
- D
What is the average normal daily urinary output for an A. 1500 ml B. 400 ml C. 3000 ml D. 300 ml
- A
A middle-aged patient with acute glomerulonephritis MOST likely A. Appears pale & puffy B. Uses a lot of salt on her food C. Abuses alcohol D. Has lost a lot of weight recently
- A