Urinary System Flashcards
The kidneys maintain the body’s internal environment by doing what?
Keeping the fluids of the body (blood plasma and interstitial fluid) isotonic to the fluid inside the cells. More specifically, the kidey’s function are: regulating the total amount of water in the body (so regulating blood pressure), regulating the concentrati of solutes in the body, regulating the concentration of ions in the fluids, long-term acid/base balance, excreting metabolic wastes like urea and other toxins like alcohol, producing the hormone erythropoietin, and converting vitamin D to the active form of vitamin D.
Be able to label a diagram with these structures: kidney, renal artery and vein, hilum, ureter, bladder, urethra, adrenal gland.
What is the name of the membrane that anchors the kidney to the adrenal gland and surrounding structures?
The renal facia.
What is the name of the fat that cushions the kidney on the outside?
Perirenal fat capsule.
Where would you find the fibrous capsule?
Adheres to the outside of the kidney and protects the kidney from infection.
If you were to take a frontal section of the kidney, you would see three regions inside. What are they called? Label, in addition, renal pelvis, major calyces and minor calyces.
The renal cortex, which is outside and looks lighter, the renal medulla, which includes renal pyramids and renal columns and the renal pelvis. The renal pelvis is funnel shaped tube that is continuous with the ureter.
What is a nephron? What’s its main function?
The nephron is the functional unit of the kidney. In other words, if you take one nephron and study its parts, you know all the parts of the kidney. The kidney is made up of many millions of nephrons. The main function of the nephron is to make urine out of filtrate.
What is filtrate?
Filtrate is the fluid of the blood that passes through a filter (the glomerulus capillary bed) and enters the nephron.
Be able to draw or look at a picture and label: glomerulus, bowman’s capsule, proximal convoluted tubule, nephron loop (descending and ascending limbs), distal convoluted tubule and collecting tubule.
What structures make up the renal corpuscle? What part of the kidney do they exist in?
The renal corpuscle is the glomerular capsule, and the glomerulus.
What part of the kidney do the renal tubules exist in?
The renal tubules begin in the cortex and some of them extend into the medulla.
What type of epithelial cell makes the glomerular capillaries? What does it mean to say that they are fenestrated?
Simple squamous epithelial cells. Fenstrations are pores, spaces between the cells where fluid from the blood can pass through into the renal corpuscle.
Describe the glomerular capsule parietal layer and visceral layer.
The parietal layer is continous with the tubule, the outside layer. The visceral layer lines the capillary bed (glomerulus).
What type of epithelial cells form the proximal convoluted tubule? What advantage does the brush border (microvilli) of these cells have?
SImple cuboidal epithelial cells. The brush border increases the surface area to make more room for reabsorption of solutes from the filtrate back into the body.
What type of epithelial cells form the descending nephron loop? Ascending loop?
Simple squamous epithelial cells in the descending loop. Simple cuboidal to small columnar cells in the ascending limb.
What type of epithelial cells form the distal convoluted tubule? Do they have microvilli?
Simple cuboidal epithelium, but they are shorter then the cells in the proximal tubule and don’t have a brush border.
What types of cells are found lining the collecting tubule? What’s the function of each cell type?
There are two types of simple cuboidal epithelial cells lining the collecting duct. Principal cells maintain the body’s water and Na+ balance, maintaining homeostasis of blood pressure. The intercalated cells help maintain the blood pH.
What part of the kidney is the collecting tubule in?
The pyramids found in the medullar.
Urine goes from the papilla of the pyramids of the medulla into this structure:
Minor calyx.
Give the similarities and differences between the cortical and juxtamedullary nephrons.
The loop of henle in a cortical nephron is shorter and remains in the cortex. The loop of henle in a juxtamedullary loop dips into the medulla. The fuction of this longer loop is to help concentrate urine when you are dehydrated.
Give the similarities and differences between the peritubular capillaries and vasa recta.
They are both capillary beds. The peritubular capillaries wrap around the proximal and distal convoluted tubules and the vasa recta wrap around loop of henle.
What is the juxtaglomerular complex?
This is the most distal part of the ascending loop of the nephron (loop of henle), where it touches the afferent arteriole. There are three kinds of specialized cells here. Macula densa cells are in the ascending loop of henle. They have chemoreceptors in them monitoring the level of Na+ in the filtrate. If the filtrate leaving the body is to salty, then blood pressure might fall. If it isn’t salty enough, blood pressure might be too high. Granular cells are in the arteriole wall. THese are smooth muscle cells with granules that are full of renin. They also have mechanoreceptors that monitor stretch. If the arteriole is too full, they can tighten, slowing the flow down. If there isn’t enough stretch, meaning that there is less blood entering, they relax, allowing more blood to flow into the glomerulus. In this way, we get a consistent amount of fluid entering the kidney. Last, there are extraglomerular mesangial cells. THese are between the arteriole and the tubule cells. They help pass signals between the macula densa and granular cells through their gap junctions.
What is the role of macula densa cells? Where would you find them?
See above.
What is the role of the granular cells? Where would you find them?
See above.