Urinary Elimination (3-21-23) Flashcards
no urination
painful/difficult urination
end-stage renal disease (ESRD)
chronic increase of serum creatinine and BUN from loss of kidney function
urinating in short intervals (often)
blood in urine
scanty, low urine output (> 400 mL in 24 hr)
kidney disease
meds that are damaging to kidney tissue
frequent urination at night
nocturnal enuresis
bedwetting; involuntary loss of urine while asleep
to start the stream of urine; to urinate
vaginal device that holds up bladder (eases urination)
excessive urination
protein in urine
pus or WBCs in urine
sudden need to urinate (almost uncontrollable)
kidney infection (UTI)
bladder infection
Expected Color of urine
pale yellow to deep amber color
What causes darker color of urine?
increased concentration of urine, decreased fluid intake, excessive fluid loss, some medications
Expected clarity of urine
What causes cloudiness in urine?
indicates presence of other constituents: bacteria, RBCs, WBCs, etc
What causes cloudiness in urine?
indicates presence of other constituents: bacteria, RBCs, WBCs, etc
Expected odor of urine
light smell, non-malodorous
What causes odor in urine?
certain foods (asparagus, garlic, onions), bacteria produce an ammonia-like odor, metabolic disorders cause sweet, fruity odor
Expected pH of urine
5.0-9.0 (averages 6.0)
What causes acidity in urine?
calculi, high protein diet, consumes cranberry juice
What causes alkalinity in urine?
calculi, UTI, diet high in dairy products, citrus fruits, or vegetarian diet
Expected Results of specific gravity
1.002 - 1.030 (the bigger the number, the more concentrated)
What causes elevation (concentrated)?
What causes decrease in specific gravity (diluted)?
fluid excess, high fluid intake, kidney disease
Expected protein in urine
negative or <20 mg/day (increased protein presences = kidney failure)
Causes of protein presence
CHF, strenuous exercise, glomerular or other renal damage, kidney failure
RBCs/ Hemoglobin expected results in urine
negative or <5
Causes of increased RBCs in urine
glomerular damage (causes RBCs to filter through), calculi (causes tears and bleeding), inflammation in GU tract, side effect of anticoagulants/clotting disorders
WBCs expected results in urine
negative or <5
Causes of increased WBCs in urine
calculi, inflammation, infections; serious renal conditions (no culture growth)
Glucose expected result in urine
Causes of glucose presence
hyperglycemia, pregnancy, renal dysfunction, corticosteroid use
Ketones expected result
Causes of ketone presence
breakdown of fat from factors such as prolonged vomiting or vomiting, fasting or starvation, poorly controlled hyperglycemia, DKA
How are ketones formed?
formed during abnormal breakdown of fat
Bilirubin expected results
Causes of bili presence
liver disease, constipation, hemolysis
How is bilirubin released?
released when RBCs breakdown; excreted by liver
Nitrites expected result
negative or <5
causes of nitrite presence
UTI, other infections caused by nitrite forming bacteria (gram-neg such as E. Coli or K. pneumonia); not always present in all UTI cases
Leukocyte Esterase expected result
negative or <5
Causes of leukocyte esterase presence
UTI, other infections
Crystals expected result
Causes of crystal presence
calculi, high intake of oxalates (cocoa, nuts, potatoes/french fries, artificial sweeteners, spinach)
How should you sample for crystals? Why?
sample fresh urine only; crystals can form when urine sits, ages
Bacteria/Yeast/Parasites expected result
Causes of microbe presence
infection caused by the type of microbes growing in the urine culture
tested by doing a C&S