urinary continence & BPH Flashcards
What are the filling phase and voiding phase of micturition?
- Filling phase: bladder fills & distends without rise in intravesical pressure. Urethral sphincter contracts & closes urethra.
- Voiding phase: bladder contracts to expel urine, urethral sphincter relaxes & urethra opens.
What is difference in micturition in infants and adults?
- In infants micturition is local spinal reflex where bladder empties when it reaches critical pressure.
- In adults it can be initiated or inhibited by higher centre control of external urethral sphincter keeping it closed until it is appropriate to urinate.
What is innervation involved in micturition?
- M3 receptors (parasympathetic S2-S4) are stimulated as the bladder fills.
- As they become stretched & stimulated results in contraction of detrusor muscle for urination.
- Parasympathetic fibres inhibit internal urethral sphincter relaxing it and allowing bladder emptying.
- When bladder empties stretch fibres inactivated and sympathetic nervous system (T11-L2) stimulated to activate beta-3 receptors causing relaxation of detrusor allowing bladder to fill
What is stress incontinence?
Involuntary leakage on effort or exertion or sneezing/coughing.
What are investigations for stress urinary incontinence?
History & exam, positive stress test (demonstrate loss of urine on examination), urodynamics (urinary leakage during increase in intra-abdominal pressure in absence of detrusor contraction).
What is management for stress urinary incontinence?
- Non surgical physiotherapy with PFE.
- Surgical mid-urethral sling, colposuspension, periurethral bulking agents.
What is urge urinary incontinence (overactive bladder)?
Urinary urgency usually with urinary frequency and nocturia, with or without urge urinary incontnience
What is incidence of urge urinary incontinence?
16% in men and women over 40.
What are risk factors for urge urinary incontinence?
Age, prolapse, increased BMI, IBS, bladder irritants (caffeine, nicotine)
What is the pathology behind urge urinary incontinence?
- Involuntary detrusor muscle contractions.
- Cause can be idiopathic, neurogenic (loss of CNS inhibitory pathways) or bladder outlet obstruction
What are symptoms of urge urinary incontinence?
Urgency, frequency, nocturia & urgency incontinence, impact on QOL - sleep disorders, anxiety, depression.
What are investigations of urge urinary incontinence?
- Exclude infection with urine dipstick/MSU, voiding diaries, assess post-void residual, urodynamics, cytoscopy.
- Assess for enlarged prostate in men & prolapse in women
What is management of urge urinary incontinence?
Behaviour/lifestyle changes, bladder retraining, anti-muscarinic drugs, beta-3 agonists, BOTOX, neuromodulation (PTNS/SNS), surgical augmentation cytoplasty & urinary diversion
What is overflow incontinence?
Involuntary leakage of urine when bladder is full.
What are causes of overflow incontinence?
Usually due to chronic retention secondary to obstruction or atonic bladder. Eg. Outlet obstruction (faecal impaction/BPH), under-active detrusor muscle, bladder neck stricture, urethral stricture, drug history of alpha-adrenergics, anti-cholinergics, sedative, bladder denervation following surgery