Urinary and GI system Flashcards
Describe the healthy kidney of the cat
- Bean shaped
- Cherry-like size
- Not painful
- Firm consistency
- Slightly movable
- Homogenous
- Symmetrical
Parameters of the urinary bladder examination
- Location
- Size
- Shape
- Pain
- Surface
- Wall thickness
- Content
Physical examination of the distended abdomen
- Radiography
- US
- Computer tomography
- Palpation
- Fluid puncture
- Percussion / Undulation test
- Pain
- Temperature
- Foreign bodies
- Palpable organs
Examination of the teeth (what to examine)
- Shape
- Number
- Colour
- Movability
- Pain
- Plaque
- Percussion
- Surface
- Closure
Examination of the testes
- Size
- Shape
- Consistency
- Symmetry
- Pain
- Semen
Parameters to check in urine
- pH
- Specific gravity
- Ketones
- Glucose
- Proteins
- Pus
- Blood / Hb
- Br
- Sediment
What test are performed when checking the fluid in the abdominal cavity?
Undulation test
Medical term for frequent urination + painful urination?
- Polyuria (reduced cc ability) / Polakiuria (extraordianry frequency)
- Dysuria / stranguria
Structures checked in the oropharynx
- Teeth
- Gums
- Muc.mem. of cheeks and lips
- Tongue
- Soft/hard palate
- Tonsils
- Pharynx
- Salivary glands
What do we palpate in the cardiac region?
- Pain
- Location of the heart beat
- Strength
- Fremitus (palpate thrill)
Examination of the abdomen
- kidneys
- ureters
- urinary bladder
- prostate
- urethra
Description of the palpatory findings of abdominal organs
location, size, shape, relation to their neighbourhood, painfulness, surface, consistency, structure, (symmetry)
Describe the physiological kidney in dogs
(same as cat) but only left palpable
Indication for Kidney Enlargement
- acute nephritis
- pyelonephritis
- hydronephrosis (swelling)
- tumor (asymmetric enlargement)
Indication for Kidney Pain
- renal stones
- tumour
- acute nephritis
- pyelonephritis