Urinary Flashcards
Outer layer Kidney substance
Renal cortex
Inner portion of the kidney
renal medulla
triangular division of medulla
renal prymids
The narrow, innermost end of the primed
Renal papillia
Expansion of upper end of ureter lies inside the kidney
Renal pelvis
Divison of renal pelvis
Kidney function
Excrete toxins antigen, remove wastes
Hydrogen ions, potassium ions and certain drugs from the blood into the kidney tubules
Urine Secretion
Water and dissolved substances out of blood into glomerular capsule
Urine filteration
Water and dissolved substances out of the kidney tubules back into the blood
Urine should not contain
Unine Glucose, protein, blood, bilirubin, bacteria, ketones
what is initiated by stretch reflex in the bladder wall, bladder wall contracts internal sphincter relaxes(involuntary), external sphincter relaxes(voluntary) and urination occurs
Emptying reflex
Absence of urine
Scant/small amount of urine
Unusually large amount of urine