Urinary Flashcards
general outline of kidney
- pericapsular fat continuous w/ renal sinus
- thick capsule
column of bertin
cortex extending btw pyramids
variant kidney anatomy
- fetal lobulation
- Dromedary hump (left kidney via adaptation to adj spleen)
- prominent/Htr column of Bertin (most likely to be shown on US)
fetal lobulation vs scar
- lobulation: indentation overlie space BTW pyramids
- scar: indentation over pyramid. LOSS OF CORTEX
UL renal agenesis associations
- F-unicornuate uterus
- M-ø IL epididymis & vd OR IL seminal vesicle cyst
- add: ø IL ureter, hemitrigone
Mullerian duct anomalies ass w/ UL renal agen
basic breakdown renal phases
- cortical- characterizing tumor enh, staging/treatment
- nephrographic -tumors
- excretory-papilla morphology, urothelial cell/TCC lesions
- tobacco
- syndromes-VHL
- dialysis >3 yrs
- family hx
RCC subtypes
- clear cell-general pop, VHL
- papillary-hereditary papillary renal Ca, Tx
- medullary-SCD
- chromophobe-Birt Hogg Dube
- translocation-kids s/p cytotoxic chemo
T2 dark kidney lesions
- papillary
- lipid poor AML
- hemorrhagic cyst
RCC staging
1) kidney, <7cm
2) kidney, >7cm
3) Gerota’s fascia- A) renal vein invasion B) IVC above diaphragm C) IVC below diaphragm
renal leukemia
- MC visceral orgn envolved
- smooth, enlarged
- cortically based hypodense lesions
Bourneville disease aka
Tuberous Sclerosis
what % AMLs are lipid poor, for TS?
30% for TS
MC tumor to met to kidney
“protrudes into renal pelvis”
multilocular cystic nephroma
BL oncocytomas and chromophobe RCC
Birt Hogg Dube
kidney benign tumors to consider
a) AML (MC)
b) oncocytome (2nd MC)
ways to show oncocytoma
1) solid mass + central scar
2) spoke wheel on US
3) HOT on pet
mx oncocytoma
resect (indist from RCC)
img multilocular cystic nephroma
“non-communicating, fluid filled locules surr by thick fibrous capsule”
-“protrude into renal pelvis”
what abd organs are part peritoneal and RP?
what % of 1˚ retroperitoneal neoplasms are mal?
RP lesions
- lipomatosis
- liposarcoma
- RMS-kids
- RP hem
- lymphoma
- RP fibrosis-uncommon above renal a’s
- Erdheim Chester
- fat person w/ “incomplete bladder emptying”
- overgrowth benign fat in pelvis (perirectal, per vesicular)
- anterosup bladder displ. Pear/tear drop shaped.
liposarcoma-how many recurr, when is it bad, MC loc
- 2/3 local recurrence
- looks bad=bad
- deeper=bad
- MC loc is actually the thigh
MC 1˚ RP malignancy
MC RP malignancy
MCC’s RP hem
1) anticoag
2) rupture/leaking aorta
3) bleeding RCC or AML
NHL vs HL RP lymphoma
NHL-nodes larger, involve mesentery, non continuous
-HL nodes para-aortic early, more continuous
risk of malignancy based on Bosniak
1) 0%
2) 0%
2F) <5%
3) 50%
4) 100% (ie: RCC)
Bosniak 1
- simple anechoic
- hairline thin wall
Bosniak 2
- hyper dense, <3 cm
- thin Ca, sept
- no ST
Bosniak 2F
- hyperdense >3cm
- minimally thickened Ca, wall or septa
- no ST
- totally intrarenal
bosniak 3
- measureable enhancement
- thick/irreg or smooth wall/septa
Bosniak 4
same as 3 + distinct enhancing ST components
what is always present in ARPKD
congenital hepatic fibrosis
Tuberous sclerosis and kidneys
- RCC (younger pts)
ADPKD findings-where are the cysts, ass?
- cysts: kidneys, liver, seminal vesicle
- berry aneurysms
what happens to dialysis related kidney cysts?
regress s/p tx
parapelvis vs peripelvic cyst
para (beside)-simple renal cysts that plunge into the renal sinus from the adjacent renal parenchyma. Org from parenchyma, may compress collecting system. look like cortical cyst but bulge in (instead of out)
-peri-from renal sinus, mimic hydro
renal abscess cutoff for drainage
striated nephrogram ddx
- acute ureteral obstruction
- acute pyelonephritis
- hypoTN (BL)
- acute renal v thrombosis
- renal contusion
- radiation nephritis
- medullary sponge kidney
- infantile polycystic kidney (BL)
findings chronic pyelo
- thinning, atrophy, scarring
- HTr of normal residual tissue!
mx emphysematous pyelonephritis vs pyelitis
kid-Abx + nephrectomy
who gets emphysematous pyelonephritis vs pyelitis
- kid-DM
- CS-women, DM, urinary obstruction
img pyonephrosis
- US > CT (has trouble distinguishing pyonephrosis from hydronephrosis
- F/F level
papillary necrosis causes
- DM (mc)
- pyelonephritis
- SCD (50% of SC pts dev PN!)
- Tb
- analgesia
img papillary necrosis
- filling defects in calyx
- lobster claw-linear streek in calyx
MC extra pulmonary site Tb
-urinary tract
Tb renal disease img/progression
- earliest- pap necrosis/ “moth eaten calyces-deep cups/w-shaped central necrosis (pelvis remains symmetrical)
- progressed necrosis –> cavity (MOST CHAR)
- phantom calyx-focal stenosis of infundibulum
- diffuse infundibulum stenosis–> caliectasis
- ureteral stenosis –> Kerr kink-scarring of pelvis –> uplifted appearance at renal pelvis
- putt kidney-Ca autonephrectomized end stage Tb kidney
- Ca mesenteric nodes
HIV nephropathy
- MCC renal fx in this population
- enlarged, echogenic, loss of fat (edema in fat)
disseminated PCP-renal disease
punctate (cortical) Ca
who’s at risk for CIN?
- pre-existing renal dx (+DM w/ renal disease)
- dehydration
- myeloma
Stone compositions
- Ca-oxalate-75%
- struvite-women + UTI
- uric acid-Unseen on xray
- cystine-rare, cong disorders of metabolism
- indinavir-HIV. only stone not seen on CT
Rx nephrolithiasis-size cut off.
- 5mm cut off
- uric acid-change acidic diet/mediacl (Kcitrate, NaBicarb)
appearance of stones on dual E CT
- non-uric acid stones-higher HUat 80kEv
- UA-same at 80 and 140
cortical nephrocalcinosis mimic
disseminated PCP
Medullary sponge kidney MOA and ass
- UL cystic dilation of CTs
- Ehlers-Danlos, Caroli’s, BW