Urethral obstruction - Cat Flashcards
______ is most common life threatening complication of UO
↑ K ➙ ↓ depolarisation of ❤ ➙ ↓ HR(<140 bpm) & asystole
Urethral obstruction is reported in ____% of all Cats with FLUTD
Uremia occurs in ____ hours of acute, complete UO
24-48 hr
Etiology of UO?
Physical obstruction:
- mucous plug
- Urolith
- Stricture
- Neoplasia
Mechanical obstruction by:
- Urethral spasm
- Edema
Signalment for UO?
Male Cats are predisposed
- Rare in females
- More common in adults
- Mean age around 4 yr
UO is not seen in female cats.
very rarely seen
UO is commonly seen in young cats i.e. <1 yr age.
Mostly in adults i.e. ~4 y
Tell about HR and Temperature in a UO Cat?
Mostly HR and Temp is ↓
- HR:
- Only ~6% have moderate bradycardia i.e 100-140
- Only ~5% have severe bradycardia i.e. < 100
- Temp:
- ~ 50% have normal temp
- ~ 40% are hypothermic
how long after UO are systemic signs seen such as vomit, anorexia, lethargy ?
>24 hr of UO
link of HR & body temp. with Hyperkalemia?
combo of <140 bpm HR & < 96.6 F has a 98% predictive value for serum K levels of >8 mEq/L
Diagnostics for UO?
- CBC/Chem/UA
- Abdominal imaging
Address critical metabolic abnormalities before getting XRAY
Evaluate ECG in any cat with UO
(even if no bradycardia)
CBC/Chem findings in a UO cat?
- +/- ↑ WBC
- +/- Azotemia
- +/- ↑ [P, glucose, K]
- +/- ↓ [Na, Ca, serum bicarbonate, venous pH]
UA findings in a Cat with UO?
- +/- [RBC, protein, glucose, bacteria, pyuria, casts, crystals]
- Concurrent bacterial UTI is uncommon
Azotemia is pretty common
- Can be pre-renal, renal or post-renal
- USG varies
- Usually > 1.030
Can ↓ if prolonged UO
- Due to concurrent tubular dysfunction
Is Bacterial UTI common in cat with UO?
USG of urine in a cat with UO?
- Usually > 1.030
- Can ↓ if prolonged UO
- Due to concurrent tubular dysfunction
- Can ↓ if prolonged UO
how many AXR views to take in a UO cat?
what does it mean if you see “decreased serosal detail” in AXR?
More likely due to ↑ UB permeability
less likely UB rupture
Benifits of AUS over AXR for a suspected UO cat?
- Identify small uroliths (more sensitive)
- Search for MASSES (bladder or urethral)
Free fluid
- If present +/- = Urinary tract rupture
- Sometimes can see with AXR too
ECG is not necessary to hook in a suspected UO cat.
Evaluate ECG in any cat with UO (even if no bradycardia)
ECG findings in a cat with Hyperkalemia?
- Prolonged PR interval
- ↓ or absent P waves
- Widened QRS complexes
- Short QT intervals
- Tall T waves
1st step in Rx of a UO cat? Choose from below options
A. IV catheter and IV fluids
B. Unblock
IV catheter → Fluid therapy immediately
(can & should absolutely begin before unblocking)
if CV collapse, how to do resuscitation?
10 ml/kg IV BES over 15 min ➙ check EOR, if not met 10 ml/kg IV BES over 15 min ➙ check EOR, if not met 2.5-5 ml/kg IV HTS over 5 min
**Give HS over >5 min
How to measure EOR?
- check mentation
- check MM and CRT
- check RR and HR and BP
- Check Temp
EOR stands for
End point of Resuscitation
pink & <2 sec
HR = 180-220
which fluid to use for fluid therapy?
BES preferred over NS
(LRS, normsol-R,plasmalyte A,pHyLyte)