CHF - Cats Flashcards
Hypothermia or hyperthermia in CHF in cats?
Normal is 100.5 to 102.5 F
Why we may not hear heart murmur in a cat with CHF?
Mostly they dont have MVD and instead have RCM,HCM,DCM
1st step for cat with CHF?
Donot take XRAY, hold them or put IV Catheter
____ ml/kg of fluid to result in radiographic detection of pleural effusion
Memorise tip: amount equal to your shortcut for 1/4th bolus
_____ ml/kg of effusion to result in altered physical exam
** if you get less than that on centesis then the problem could be some thing else such as cancer, pulmonary edema
Best ICS space for thoracocentesis?
7-10th ICS
Go ventral third
Connecting dots: for pericardiocentesis in dogs, its Tap on RIGHT side of the chest between 4th and 6th ICS
Avoid _____ and _____ ICS in thoracocentesis
4-6th - heart
13th - diaphragm
What size needle for thoracocentesis?
21 g ; 5/8th inch
1 inch if obese
What size syringe recommended for thoracocentesis?
10 -20 ml
Bigger will collapse the tubing
4 main thumbrules for Rx of CHF in cats?
Minimal pet handling
Thoracocentesis if needed
Good dose of Furosemide for cats?
Tell in mg/kg
2 mg/kg is good dose
Otherwise it is 1-2 mg/kg
Shortcut : LB/100 upto 2X
In dogs, it is 1-4 mg/kg
Furosemide cause ↑ or ↓ in K
↓ K i..e Hypokalemia
Connecting dots: terbutaline too
Author prefers to do TC first before XRAY if CHF and pleural effusion suspected. T/F
As XRAY can be detrimental
Basis of deciding thoracocentesis without US on board.
Dull lung sounds on auscultation
What type of breathing in pleural effusion?
Connecting dots: in asthma = deep with expiratory shift