SMA - Hispanics are more likely than non-Hispanic whites to live inside central cities of metropolitan areas. Hispanics in selected SMA, 2010:
New York SMA 29%; Los Angeles SMA 48%; Chicago SMA 29%; Houston SMA 44%.
AGE: Hispanics are more likely than non-Hispanic whites to be less than 18 years old, 2010:
2010: 33.8% Hispanics were less than 18 years of age compared to 20.1% of non-Hispanic Whites.
Median age in years for Hispanic and non-Hispanic Whites:
Hispanic (27 years) and non-Hispanic Whites (42 years).
2010: Mexican origin population median age:
25 years old making them the youngest among Hispanics.
2010: Cuban Americans median age
40 years making them the oldest among Hispanics and the general U.S. population
2007: FERTILITY - Hispanics are a growing population
Hispanics 75; White non-Hispanic 49; Black non-Hispanic 58.
Immigration: 2010 almost a40% of the Hispanic population. Immigration 2002 from:
Mexico 219,400; India 71,000; China 61,300; and Europe 174,000.
In 2010, population native born/foreign born Percentage
Native(62.9%) and Foreign (37.1%). 745 of Hispanics are citizens; 26% of Hispanics are non citizens; 74% Cubans hold citizenship and 73% Mexicans hold citizenship.
FAMILY: Hispanic families are larger (with five or more people) - 2005
Mexican 26.3%; Puerto Rican 13.1%; Cuban 9.5%; and Central 25.2%.
Educational Attainent: In 2010, Hispanic graduation from high school continued to be a problem.
Hispanic age 25 and older 62.9%; Non Hispanic Whites 87.6%.
2010-Hispanic origin 25 years and older graduating from high school
Cuban Americans 81.4% and Puerto Ricans 74.8%and 57.4% of Mexicans.
college graduate or more 2010: Total population 30%
Hispanic 13.9% (Male 12.9% Female 14.9%); White not Hispanic 30.3%; black not Hispanic 19.8%; and Asian & Pacific 52.4%
Attainment of Bachelors Degree 2010:
Cuban Americans 26.25%; Mexican Americans 10.6%
Due to low educational attainment Hispanics are found in large numbers in service occupations. Employed civilians by Hispanic origin, 2009:
Maids and housekeeping (41.7%); Ground Maintenance workers (39.6%) and Dishwashers (39.5%)
Due to low education attainment Hispanics are not found in large numbers in professions requiring post graduate degree education. Employed civilians by Hispanic Origin, 2009.
Physicians and Surgeons 6.3%; Lawyers 2.8%; and Dentists 7.9%
Economic Characteristics: Hispanics are more likely than non-Hispanic Whites to be unemployed. 2007
3.3% non-Hispanic Whites; 4.6% Hispanics; 6.2% Blacks and 2.8% Asians
Hispanic workers earn less than non Hispanic Whites. Hispanic family income, 2006
Less than $5,000 (3.5%)
Median Family Income 2006:
Non Hispanic Whites $52,423; and Hispanic $37,781
People living below the poverty level, 2006
Non Hispanic Whites 8.2% and Hispanic 20.6%