Urbanisation Flashcards
Urbanisation is Happening Faster in _________ Countries.
Urbanisation is the Growth in the _____________ of a Country’s Population Living in _________ Areas.
Urbanisation Happened Earlier in ______________ Countries.
A Smaller Proportion (___%) of the Population in Developing Countries Currently Live in _______ Areas.
The Percentage of the Population Living in ________ Areas Varies in ____________ Countries.
Urbanisation is Predicted to Continue at a ______ Rate in Regions that still have Large _______ Populations. By 2050, the Majority of People in Every _________ Region are Predicted to Live in Urban Areas.
The Number of Megacities is ______________.
High Rates of Urbanisation are Leading to the __________ of Megacities. A Megacity is an Urban Area with Over ___ Million People.
In 1950, the Biggest and Most Influential Cities were Largely in _____________ Countries. There were Only 2 Megacities: New York and ________.
By 2014, there were ___ Megacities and this Number is still Growing - it’s Predicted to Rise to ___ by 2030.
More than Two-Thirds of Current Megacities are in Developing and ____________ Countries, Mostly in ______.
A __________ City Dominates a Country.
Urban Primacy is when One City ____________ the Country it is in. These ‘Primate Cities’ have a Much __________ Population than other Cities in the Country - Usually More Than _________ as Many People as the Next Biggest City.
How to Primate Cities Influence the Country Economically through Investment?
Businesses Often Locate there, Attracting Investment in Infrastructure and Services.
How to Primate Cities Influence the Country Economically through Migration?
There are Lots of Jobs so People move there to Find Work. Highly-Skilled Workers are Attracted by Better Opportunities.
How to Primate Cities Influence the Country Economically through Transport?
International Ports and Airports are Often Located there, Encouraging Further Investment and Migration.
How to Primate Cities Influence the Country Politically?
Governments and the Headquarters of Large, Powerful Businesses are Often Located there, meaning that Decisions about Development Favour the City rather than the Rest of the Country.