Urban Issues And Challenges Flashcards
What is rural to urban migration?
The movement of people from rural to urban areas.
Name 2 environmental push factors.
Natural disasters.
Name 1 social push factor.
Name 1 socio-economic push factor.
Lack of employment and job opportunities.
Name 2 social pull factors.
Education and healthcare
Quality of life increased.
Name 1 socio-economic pull factor.
What is natural increase?
When the birth rate exceeds the death rate.
What is a reason for a birth rate increase?
High percentage of population is fertile.
Lack of contraception.
What is the reason for a declining death rate?
Improved living environment.
Improved healthcare.
What sort of countries are most mega cities found in?
LIC’S and NEE’s
What is sustainable urban living?
The ability to live in cities in ways that do not pollute the environment or waste resources.
How’s does London manage traffic?
Increasing the parking fees and making more cycle lanes.
What is urban regeneration?
The investment in old, tired urban areas by improving it or rebuilding the area.