Upper Respiratory Problems ( larynx & Trachea ) Flashcards
Problem of the larynx and trachea
Airway obstruction it’s a what type of emergency and why?
Medical Emergency because we are blocking the airway
What’s the difference between airways of an adult and a child?(5)
A child airway has more space for an obstruction to go down into the lungs compared to an adult
Takes less time
Prominent occiput
- lay child on their back & back of the head drops drop down & chin drops to chest
Tongue is larger in kids
Larynx sits higher
Narrow portion at cricoid ring
( firm cartilage, holds shape of airway )
Airway obstruction can be from? And example
Foreign body’s
What are the manifestations of airway obstruction ? (10)
( Chat stops using super nasal warming remedies to catch cold )
Use of accessory muscles
Suprasternal & intercostal retractions
Nasal flaring
Change in LOC
Why do we hear a stridor sound in airway obstruction ?
Because the body is trying to get air passed the foreign object or around it
Airway obstruction is what type of assessment and why? And how long do you have ?
Immediate assessment because it’ll cause brain damange or death in 3-5mins
In the event of that you have an airway that’s completely blocked and can’t get disloged of a forgein body or just not breathing well, you can do a what?
What is a tracheostomy ?
Surgical created Stoma ( opening into the airway from the exterior part of the neck )
Tracheostomy surgically created stoma ( opening ) to?(5)
Establish a patent airway
Bypass an upper airway obstruction
Facilitate secretion removal
Permit long term mehcnical ventilation
Facilitate weaning from mechanical ventilation
When you open the stoma from the tracheostomy you want to remove?(3)
Any secretions, obstruction or fluids
Cricothyrotomy is what?
Emerrgently surgically in OR or percutaneosuly at bedside
What are some things you need to perform a tracheostomy? (7)
Cannula ties & obturator
Water soluble lubricant
Saline nebulae
Gauze for wound care
Nezt size smaller
Precut clean gauze
What are some extra things you may need in the room when preforming a tracheostomy? (7)
Good light source
Sterile water & container
Manual resuscitation bag kit
Towel for positioning
Suction machine/ Cather
What are the advantages of tracheostomy over endotracheal tube ?4)
Easier to keep clean
Better oral and bronchial hygiene
Patient comfort increased
Less risk of long term damage to vocal cords
When a patient has a tracheostomy, we want to ensure that they have it wrapped around there with with strap holds, but also to be careful when ? Because it can come out
What’s the most important piece of a tracheostomy tube? And how does it work?
Obturator & rounded tip
Firm, will sit inside the trachea in order for it to be firm when you’re inserting it into the ostomy tube
Rounded tip in order to prevent damage to the airway
What is the function of the pilot ballon for a tracheostomy tube?
In order to inflate the cuff
Tracheostomy tube is with what 2 things?
Cuff and pilot balloon
Fenestrated tracheostomy tube is what 3 things?
Inner cannula
Decannulation plug
Speaking tracheostomy tube is what 2 things?
Two external tubing
Tracheostomy tube is with foam is known as what type of cuff?
Filled cuff
Uncuffed tracheostomy tube is what?
Long term
Tracheostomy are normally ___ in place and secured the first time
The nurse wants to Monitor what for nursing management of Tracheostomy? (3)
Vital signs
Mechanical ventilator settings
What are the 3 nursing management for tracheostomy? For post procedure care
Obturator removed ( keep at bedside )
Cuff ( balloon ) inflated
Confirm placement
How will we confirm the placement of a tracheostomy ? (4)
Auscultation for air entry
Tidal CO2 capnography
Passage of suction catheter
Chest X-ray
We usually give a tracheostomy tube what? And why?
Smaller or bigger
Because if the trache comes out, and we want to reinsert their may be inflammation, we may not be able to use the same size in
Whenever our trache is put in, there is usually what exam taken afterwards so we can see the lungs are properly inflating ?