Upper Limb Nerve Injuries Flashcards
Learn about the syndromes
Origin of median nerve
Brachial plexus
C5-T1 roots
Medial and lateral cords
Median nerve
Motor high lesion
Only loss of FDP to Index, FPL
Pronator Teres
Flexor carpi radialis
Median nerve
Motor low lesion
All the thenar muscles palsy except Adductor pollicus
Median nerve injury
Loss of sweating, no washerman’s response to radial 2/3rd of palm
Origin of radial nerve
Posterior cord of the brachial plexus
Radial nerve high lesion
Triceps, wrist extensors (ECRL/B), extensors of the fingers @ MCPJ level and thumb extension/abduction not working
Wrist and finger drop
Radial nerve low lesion
Wrist drop
Wrist extensors are not affected
Only fingers and thumb extension @ MCPJ level are affected
Origin of ulnar nerve
Medial code of brachial plexus
Ulnar Nerve examination for the palm
Wasting of hypothenar muscles
Flat metacarpal arch
Abduction of little finger
Ulnar nerve examination of the dorsal aspect
Wasting of intrinsic muscles
Wasting of adductor pollicis
Clawing of the fingers
Ulnar nerve examination
How to test sensation
Tinel sign
Movement: Ulnar n. Exam
Abduction and
adduction of the fingers and
opposition of the little finger
Pinch and grip strength
Fromet sign
Thumb interphalangeal hyperflexion with keypunch by FPL
The thumb flexes at theinterphalangeal jointwhile pinching a piece of paper to compensate for a weakadductor pollicis muscle
Jeanne’s sign
hyperextension of the thumb’smetacarpophalangeal joint with key pinch
- thumb is straight when making OK 👌
Wartenberg’s sign
Inability to adduct extended little finger