Upper Limb Clinical Correlates Flashcards
Shoulder separation
Coracoclavicular ligament tear
Piano Key Deformity
Acromiclavicular ligament tear
Winged scapula
Damage to Long Thoracic nerve
Difficulty abducting arm >90 deg. (serratus ant. musc.)
Humeral surgical neck fracture
Pectoralis major pulls humerus medially
Flattening of deltoid muscle
Axillary nerve loss due to dislocation of humerus
Lower lateral quadrant of breast
Drains to Axillary (pectoral) lymph nodes
Upper lateral quadrant of breast
Drains to Interpectoral lymph nodes
Roof of cubital fossa
Bicipedal aponeurosis
Cubital fossa contents
Brachial artery and median nerve
Erb-Duchenne Palsy
Injury to roots of the upper trunk
Roots of Brachial Plexus
Mixed motor and sensory
Roots of spinal nerves
Either motor OR sensory
Abduction of arm
Supraspinatus, deltoid, serratus anterior
Suprascapular notch structures
Suprascapular nerve & artery
Test for nerve damage after humoral neck fracture
Sensation on the lateral shoulder (axillary/sup. lat. cutaneous nerves)
Tear location for torn biceps
Intertubercular groove
Mid-shaft humerus fracture result
Damage to radial nerve and deep brachial artery
Nursemaid’s elbow
Dislocate radius head from annular ligament
Colles Fracture
Extension fracture of radius (more common)
Smith Fracture
Flexion fracture of radius (less common)
Hand of Benediction
Digits 1-3 paralyzed
Median nerve damaged above elbow
Claw Hand
Digits 4-5 paralyzed
Ulnar nerve compressed
Pinch instead of OK sign
Anterior interosseus nerve
Landmark for ulnar nerve/artery
Flexor carpi ulnaris tendon
Landmark for median nerve
Flexor palmaris longus tendon
Landmark for radial artery
Flexor carpi radialis tendon
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Test
Oppose thumb (median nerve)
“Funny bone” symptom (nerve)
Ulnar nerve
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Compression of ulnar nerve
Numbness in lateral hand
Wrist Drop
Humerus fracture
Damage to radial nerve
Wrist Bones
How Come Tom Takes So Long To Pis
Hamate, Capitate, Trapezoid, Trapezium, Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquitrum, Pisiform
Dupuytren Contracture
Scarring of palmar aponeurosis (4th + 5th digits)
Infection of finger
1st and 5th digits may be connected, others isolated
Mallet Finger
Ruptured extension tendon (flexed last knuckle)
Boutonniere Deformity
Ruptured central band (flexed middle knuckle)
Spreading fingers (muscle)
Dorsal interosseus muscles
Guyon’s Tunnel Syndrome
Compression of ulnar nerve