Upper Limb 6 Flashcards
Trace the arteries of the upper limb.
Brachiocephalic trunk of heart - Subclavian a over first rib, under clavicle - axillary a (most superficial) - brachial artery after over teres major (profunda brachii goes unda) - branches to 1. Ulna on pinky side–>superficial palmar arch, 2. radial on thumb side–>deep palmar arch.
What are the four divisions of the upper limb and describe them.
Shoulder: pectoral, scapular, deltoid
arm: segment between the glenohumeral joint and elbow joint
forearm: between elbow and proximal wrist joints
hand: wrist to distal phalanx
The ___________ artery is deep to the ulnar and radial arteries.
Posterior interosseus artery
What are the branches of the axillary artery?
- Superior thoracic
- Thoracoacromial; lateral thoracic
- Subscapular-scapular circumflex, thoracodorsal; anterior humeral circumflex; posterior humeral circumflex
What structure divides the axillary artery into 3 division?
Pectoralis minor
The subclavian artery passes over ___________ and becomes the axillary artery.
First rib
What structure creates a division between the axillary artery and brachial artery?
Teres major
What are the major superficial veins of the upper limb?
Cephalic (from deltopectoral groove) joins the basillic vein via the median cubical vein in the cubital fossa
What do the cephalic and basilic veins originate from (distally)?
Dorsal venous network (arch) of the hand
Where does the median cubital vein lie?
In the cubital fossa
Name the muscles that arise from the vertebral column and connect the upper limb to the trunk?
Trapezius, levator scapulae, latissimus dorsi and rhomboids
One of the muscles that arise from the spine and connect the upper limb to the trunk does not receive innervation from the brachial plexus. Name it.
Trapezius (accessory n)
Name the mm that arise from the thoracic wall and connect the upper limb to the trunk. Which one is deepest?
Pectoralis major/minor, subclavius, serratus anterior (deepest)
For what two nerves is the pectoralis minor a landmark?
Medial and lateral pectoral n
Explain how the lateral and medial pectoral nerves are named and what is the discrepancy?
They are named from their anatomical relationship with the axillary artery in the brachial plexus. However, the lateral n lies more medially when it pierces the pectoralis major and the medial n lies more laterally when it pierces the pec major/minor
Name the muscles of the scapular region. Which mm are not a rotator cuff muscle?
Subscapularis, supraspinatus and infraspinatus, teres major/minor, deltoid
Deltoid and teres major are not rotator cuff mm
What is the function of the rotator cuff mm?
Stability and movement
Which aspect of the shoulder joint is not reinforced by the rotator cuff mm and what is this clinically important?
Below the glenoid cavity (inferior aspect). It can cause the shoulder to dislocate and the humerus to fall below the cavity.
What structures pass thru the quadrangular space?
Axillary nerve and posterior humeral circumflex artery
What structures pass thru the triangular space?
Radial nerve and profunda brachii artery
Which muscles form the walls of the axilla? (Post, med, ant)
Posterior: subscapularis, teres major, lattisimus dorsi
Anterior: pectoralis major/minor, subclavius
Medial: anterior serratus, intercostal mm
Which bones make up the borders to the axilla?
Ant: clavicle
Med: first rib
Post: scapula
What are the two compartments of the upper limb?
Anterior: flexor
Posterior: extensor