upper leg muscles Flashcards
what are the borders of the femoral triangle?
Superior: Inguinal ligament
Lateral: Sartorius
Medial: Adductor longus
Apex: Lateral border of sartorius across medial
border of adductor longus
Floor: Ilioposoas (lat) + pectineus (med)
Roof : Fascia lata + cribriform facia, subcutaneous tissue + skin
2 compartments of the femoral triangle ______
which is divided by the:
iliopectineal arch
Lateral lacuna:
Muscular lacuna
- Iliopsoas
- Femoral nerve
Medial lacuna:
Vascular lacuna
- Arteries and veins
- Lymphatics
content of the femoral triangle
- Femoral nerve and branches
- Femoral sheath
femoral triangle is divided into:
Lateral compartment:
Femoral artery
Intermediate compartment:
Femoral vein
Medial compartment: femoral canal (smallest)
femoral canal function
- Allows femoral vein to expand during increased venous return
- or increased intra-abdominal pressure
Adductor canal:
Intermuscular passage for:
- Femoral a/v
- saphenous nerve
- nerve to vastus medius
Anterior compartment contains:
- Anterior thigh muscles
- Flexors of the hip
- Extensors of the knee
Atrophy of muscles
Rapidly with disease
Which anterior muscles does the femoral nerve supply?
Which anterior muscles does the anterior rami of the lumbar nerve supply?
- Iliopsoas
- Psoas minor
Pectineus muscle
Nerve supply of pectineus muscle
Femoral nerve
Pectineus proximal attachment
Superior ramus of pubis
Pectineus distal attachment
Pectineul line (femur)
Pectineus actions
adducts + flexes thigh
Medially rotates thigh
Sartorius muscles
[Tailors muscle]
-Longest muscle
Sartorius nerve supply
Femoral nerve
Sartorius proximal attachment
- Anterior, superior iliac spine
- superior part of notch
Sartorius distal attachment
Superior part of the medial surface of the tibia
Sartorius actions:
- Flexes, abducts, laterally rotates thigh at hip joint
- flexes leg at knee
- works with other muscles
Iliopsoas muscle
The iliopsoas muscle consists of:
-Psoas major, minor
(anterior rami of lumbar nerve)
-Iliacus (femoral nerve)
[Attached to the vert. column, pelvis, femur]
iliopsoas proximal attachment
- T12-L5
- Transverse processes of lumbar vert.
- Iliac crest
- Iliac fossa
- Anterior sacroiliac ligaments
Iliopsoas distal attachment:
- lesser trochanter of femur
- Pectineal line
- iliopectineal eminence
- Tendon psoas major
iliopsoas actions
- (main) flexing thigh at hip
- Stabilising
- most powerful muscles
Quadriceps femoris consists of:
- Rectus femoris
2 Vastus lateralis - vastus intermedius
- vastus medialis
[femoral nerve]
-have the same distal attachment and actions
Quadriceps femoris characteristics
- Most powerful muscles
- 3x stronger than hamstrings
- Work over two joints
- Action on hip and knee
- Tendons of muscles unite as the
quadriceps tendon - Patellar ligament continuation of
this tendon - Medial + lateral vastus also attach to
patella = form aponeuroses (medial
and lateral patellar retinacula)-
reinforce the joint capsule + keep
patella aligned
rectus femoris (runs straight down the thigh)
recuts femoris proximal attachment
- Anterior inferior iliac spine
- Ilium, superior to the acetabulum
Quadriceps femoris distal attachment
- Quadriceps tendon
- independent attachment to the patella
- aponeuroses
Quadriceps femoris actions
- extend knee joint
- flex thigh
steadies hip joint
vastus lateralis
Vastus lateralis proximal attachment
- greater trochanter of femur
- lateral lip of linea aspera of femur
vastus medialis