Upper Intermediate - art & literature Flashcards
(n) Tiểu sử
I love reading biographies of famous scientists.
Fine art
(n) Mỹ thuật
/faɪn ɑːrt/
She studied fine art at university.
(n) Điêu khắc
The museum has a large collection of sculptures.
Performing art
(n) Nghệ thuật biểu diễn
/pərˈfɔːrmɪŋ ɑːrt/
Ballet is a form of performing art.
(n) Nhà hát, kịch nghệ
She loves going to the theatre to watch plays.
(n/adj) Gốm sứ
He makes beautiful ceramic vases.
Arts page
(n) Trang nghệ thuật (trên báo)
/ɑːrts peɪdʒ/
The arts page of the newspaper reviews new films.
(adj) Có tính nghệ thuật
She has an artistic talent for painting.
Work of art
(n) Tác phẩm nghệ thuật
/wɜːrk ɒv ɑːrt/
This painting is a true work of art.
Arts and crafts
(n) Thủ công mỹ nghệ
/ɑːrts ənd kræfts/
She enjoys arts and crafts in her free time.
(n) Nhà điêu khắc
Michelangelo was a famous sculptor.
Abstract painting
(n) Tranh trừu tượng
/ˈæbstrækt ˈpeɪntɪŋ/
He specializes in abstract painting.
(n) Tranh phong cảnh
Van Gogh painted many landscapes.
Still life
(n) Tranh tĩnh vật
/stɪl laɪf/
She paints beautiful still life compositions.
(n) Bản sao tác phẩm nghệ thuật
This is a reproduction of a famous painting.
(n) Bối cảnh
The novel’s setting is in 19th-century London.
(adj) Thuộc văn học
She writes literary criticism for a magazine.
(n) Sự đạo diễn
The direction of the movie was outstanding.
Got rave reviews
(phr) Nhận được đánh giá xuất sắc
/ɡɒt reɪv rɪˈvjuːz/
The film got rave reviews from critics.
(v) Nắm bắt, ghi lại
The artist captured the beauty of the landscape perfectly.
(n) Kịch bản phim
The screenplay was written by a famous writer.
(adj) Đa tài
She is a versatile actress.
(n) Sân khấu
He performed brilliantly on stage last night.
(n) Địa điểm tổ chức
The concert venue was packed with fans.
(n) Hội thoại, lời thoại
The movie had great dialogue between characters.
Taste in music
(phr) Gu âm nhạc
/teɪst ɪn ˈmjuːzɪk/
He has a great taste in music.
(n) Nhạc phim
The movie’s soundtrack is very popular.
Canned music
(n) Nhạc thu sẵn, nhạc nền
/kænd ˈmjuːzɪk/
The restaurant plays canned music all day.
Read music
(phr) Đọc bản nhạc
/riːd ˈmjuːzɪk/
She learned to read music as a child.
Play by ear
(phr) Chơi nhạc theo cảm hứng (không cần bản nhạc)
/pleɪ baɪ ɪər/
He can’t read music, but he can play by ear.