Upper Extremity Flashcards
Pectoralis Major (clavicular fibers) ORIGIN
Anterior surface of sternal 1/2 of clavicle
Pectoralis Major (clavicular fibers) INSERTION
Crest of greater tubercle of humerus
Pectoralis Major (clavicular fibers) ACTION
Shoulder flexion, MR and horizontal adduction
Origin fixed: humeral adduction and MR
Insertion fixed: assists in elevation of thorax in forced inspiration
Pectoralis Major (clavicular fibers) NERVE
Lateral pectoral n. (C5,6,7)
Pectoralis Major (sternal fibers) ORIGIN
Anterior surface of sternum, cartilages of ribs 1-7, and aponeurosis of external obliques
Pectoralis Major (sternal fibers) INSERTION
Crest of greater tubercle of humerus
Pectoralis Major (sternal fibers) ACTION
Depress shoulder
Oblique adduction of humerus toward opposite iliac crest
Origin fixed: humeral adduction and MR
Insertion fixed: assists in elevation of thorax in forced inspiration
Pectoralis Major (sternal fibers) NERVE
Lateral and Medial Pectoral n. (C6,7,8,T1)
Pectoralis Minor ORIGIN
Superior margins, outer surfaces of 3rd, 4th, and 5th ribs near the cartilages; and from fascia over corresponding intercostals muscles
Pectoralis Minor INSERTION
Medial border, superior surface of coracoid process of scapula
Pectoralis Minor ACTION
Downward rotation and medial rotation of scapula
Prevents upward rotation of scapula
Origin fixed:
Tilts scapula anteriorly
Insertion fixed:
Assist in forced inspiration
Pectoralis Minor NERVE
Medial Pectoral n. (C6,7,8,T1)
Subclavious ORIGIN
1st rib and cartilage
Subclavious INSERTION
Undersurface of the clavicle
Subclavious ACTION
Draws the clavicle down and stabilizes joint
Subclavious NERVE
Subclavian n. (C5,C6)
Latissimus Dorsi ORIGIN
Spinous processes of last 6 thoracic vertebra
Last 3 or 4 ribs
Through the thoracolumbar fascia from the lumbar and sacral vertebrae
Posterior 1/3 of external lip of iliac crest
Slip from the inferior angle of the scapula
Latissimus Dorsi INSERTION
Intertubercular groove of humerus
Latissimus Dorsi ACTION
Origin fixed: Shoulder MR, add, and extension Depresses shoulder girdle Assists in trunk lateral flexion
Insertion fixed:
Assists in anterior and lateral pelvic tilts
Assists in lumbar hyperextension
Latissimus Dorsi NERVE
Thoracodorsal n. (C6,7,8)
Teres Major ORIGIN
Dorsal surface of inferior angle and
lower third of lateral border of scapula
Crest of lesser tubercle of humerus
Teres Major ACTION
Shoulder MR, add, ext
Scapular internal rotation
Teres Major NERVE
Lower Subscapular n. (C5,6,7)
Serratus Anterior ORIGIN
Outer surface and superior borders of upper 8 or 9 ribs
Serratus Anterior INSERTION
Costal surface of medial border of scapula
Serratus Anterior ACTION
Origin fixed:
Abduction, posterior tilt, external rotation, and upward rotation of scapula.
Holds medial border of scapula against thorax.
Lower fibers may depress the
scapula and upper fibers may
Serratus Anterior NERVE
Long Thoracic n. (C5,6,7,8)
Supraspinatus ORIGIN
Medial 2/3 of supraspinous fossa of scapula
Supraspinatus INSERTION
Superior facet of greater tubercule of humerus, and shoulder joint capsule
Supraspinatus ACTION
Abduct shoulder
Stabilizes head of humerus in glenoid cavity during movements
May assist with shoulder LR from neutral to full LR
Supraspinatus NERVE
Suprascapular n. (C4,5,6)
Infraspinatus ORIGIN
Medial 2/3 of infraspinous fossa of scapula
Infraspinatus INSERTION
Middle facet of greater tubercle of humerus, shoulder joint capusle
Infraspinatus ACTION
LR shoulder
Stabilizes head of humerus in glenoid cavity during movements
Scapular internal rotation
Infraspinatus NERVE
Suprascapular n. (C4,5,6)
Subscapularis ORIGIN
Subscapular fossa of scapula
Subscapularis INSERTION
Lesser tubercle of humerus and shoulder joint capsule
Subscapularis ACTION
MR shoulder
Stabilizes head of humerus in glenoid cavity during movements.
Prevents humeral anterior glide.
Subscapularis NERVE
Upper and Lower Subscapular n. (C5,6,7)
Deltoid ORIGIN
Anterior border, superior surface of acromion, and lateral 1/3 of clavicle
Lateral margin and superior surface of acromion
Inferior lip of posterior border of spine of scapula
Deltoid tuberosity
Deltoid ACTION
ABD shoulder
Shoulder flexion and MR
shoulder abduction; scapular downward rotation
Shoulder extension and LR
Scapular internal rotation
Deltoid NERVE
Axillary n. (C5,6)
Upper Trapezius ORIGIN
External occipital protuberance, medial 1/3 of superior nuchal line, ligamentum nuchae, and spinous process of C7 vertebra
Upper Trapezius INSERTION
Lateral 1/3 of clavicle and acromion process of scapula
Upper Trapezius ACTION
Origin fixed:
Stabilization of scapula
Insertion fixed and acting unilaterally:
Extend, laterally flex, and rotate head and cervical vertebrae so face turns to opposite side
Acting bilaterally: Extends neck Elevation of scapula Elevation and adduction of the scapula and clavicle Accessory muscle to respiration
Upper Trapezius NERVE
Spinal Accessory n. (CN XI)
Anterior Primary rami (C2,3,4)
Middle Trapezius ORIGIN
Spinous process of T1-5
Middle Trapezius INSERTION
Medial margin of acromion process and superior lip of spine of scapula
Middle Trapezius ACTION
Adduction (with stabilization by upper and lower fibers), ER, and upward rotation of scapula.
Stabilizes scapula during upward rotation
Middle Trapezius NERVE
Spinal Accessory n. (CN XI)
Anterior primary rami (C2,3,4)
Lower Trapezius ORIGIN
Spinous process of T6-12
Lower Trapezius INSERTION
Tubercle of at apex of spine of scapula
Lower Trapezius ACTION
Depression, ER, and upward rotation of the scapula.
Best upward rotator of scapula in early range of arm elevation
Lower Trapezius NERVE
Spinal Accessory n. (CN XI)
Anterior primary rami (C2,3,4)
Levator scapulae ORIGIN
Transverse process of cervical vertebrae 1-4
Levator scapulae INSERTION
Medial border of scapula between superior angle and root of spine
Levator scapulae ACTION
Origin fixed:
Elevation and downward rotation of the scapula
Insertion fixed and acting unilaterally:
Laterally flexes and rotates cervical vertebrae to SAME side
Acting bilaterally:
Assist in cervical extension
Levator scapulae NERVE
Dorsal Scapular n. (C4,5,)
Cervical Spinal n. (C3,4)
Rhomboideus Major ORIGIN
Spinous processes of T2-T5
Rhomboideus Major INSERTION
By fibrous attachment to medial border of scapula between spine and inferior angle
Rhomboideus Major ACTION
Adduction, elevation, downward rotation and ER of the scapula
(Stiffness helps prevent scapular internal rotation)
Rhomboideus Major NERVE
Dorsal Scapular n. (C4,5)
Rhomboideus Minor ORIGIN
Ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of C7-T1 vertebrae
Rhomboideus Minor INSERTION
Medial border at root of spine of scapula
Rhomboideus Minor ACTION
Adduction, elevation, ER and downward rotation of scapula
Rhomboideus Minor NERVE
Dorsal Scapular n. (C4,5)
Teres Minor ORIGIN
Upper 2/3 and dorsal surface of lateral border of scapula
Lowest facet of greater tubercle of humerus, and shoulder joint capsule
Teres Minor ACTION
LR shoulder
Scapular IR
Stabilizes head of humerus in glenoid cavity during movements
Teres Minor NERVE
Axillary n. (C5,6)
Pronator teres ORIGIN
Humeral head:
Immediately above medial epicondyle of humerus, common flexor tendon, and deep antebrachial fascia
Ulnar head:
Medial side of coronoid process of ulna
Pronator teres INSERTION
Middle of lateral surface of radius
Pronator teres ACTION
Pronate forearm
Assists in elbow flexion
Pronator teres NERVE
Median n. (C6,7)
Flexor carpi radialis ORIGIN
Common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle of humerous, an deep antebrachial fascia
Flexor carpi radialis INSERTION
Base of 2nd metacarpal and slip to base of 3rd metacarpal bone
Flexor carpi radialis ACTION
ABD and flexion of wrist
Assists in forearm pronation and elbow flex
Flexor carpi radialis NERVE
Median n. (C6,7,8)
Palmaris longus ORIGIN
Common flexor tendon from medial epicondyle of humerous, deep antebrachial fascia