Leg & Foot Flashcards
Abductor digiti minimi ACTION
Flexes 5th toe
Assists with abduction
Abductor digiti minimi INSERTION
Smooth groove on plantar surface of the base of 5th
With the FDMB to the lateral side of the base of the proximal phalanx of the 5th toe
Abductor digiti minimi NERVE
Lateral Plantar n. (S1,S2,S3)
Abductor digiti minimi ORIGIN
Both processes of the calcaneal tuberosity
Plantar surface between calcaneal processes
Plantar aponeurosis
Intermuscular septum between the adductor digiti minimi and flexor digitorum brevis
Abductor Hallucis ACTION
Abduction of MTP of great toe
Assists in flexion
Assists in adduction of the forefoot
Abductor Hallucis INSERTION
Medial side of base of proximal phalanx of great toe. Medial sesmoid bone
Abductor Hallucis NERVE
Medial Plantar n. (S1,S2)
Abductor Hallucis ORIGIN
Medial process of tuberosity of calcaneus
Flexor retinaculum
Plantar aponeurosis
Adjacent intermuscular septum
Adductor Hallucis ACTION
Assists in flexion of MTP of great toe
Adductor Hallucis INSERTION
Lateral side of base of proximal phalanx of great toe
Adductor Hallucis NERVE
Lateral Plantar n. (S2,S3)
Adductor Hallucis ORIGIN
From bases of 2-4th metatarsal bones and sheath of fibularis longus tendon
From plantar MTP ligaments of 3-5th digits and deep transverse ligament
Extensor Digitorum Longus ACTION
Extend MTP joints
Assists in extension of IP 2-5
DF and EV
Extensor Digitorum Longus INSERTION
By 4 tendons to the 2-5th digits, each tendon forms an expansion on the dorsal surface of the toe, and divides
into an intermediate slip attached to base of middle phalanx and into 2 lateral slips
Extensor Digitorum Longus NERVE
Deep Fibular n. (L4, L5, S1)
Extensor Digitorum Longus ORIGIN
Lateral condyle of tibia Proximal ¾ of anterior surface of body of fibula Proximal part of interosseous membrane Adjacent intermuscular septa Deep fascia
Extensor Hallucis Brevis ACTION
Great toe MTP Extension
Extensor Hallucis Brevis INSERTION
Dorsal surface of base of proximal phalanx of great toe
Extensor Hallucis Brevis NERVE
Deep Fibular n. (L4,L5,S1)
Extensor Hallucis Brevis ORIGIN
Distal part of superior and lateral surfaces of calcaneus
Lateral talocalcaneal ligament
Apex of inferior extensor retinaculum
Extensor Hallucis Longus ACTION
Great toe IP and MTP extension
Assist in inversion of foot and dorsiflexion of ankle
Extensor Hallucis Longus INSERTION
Base of dorsal distal phalanx of great toe
Extensor Hallucis Longus NERVE
Deep Fibular n. (L4,L5, S1)
Extensor Hallucis Longus ORIGIN
Middle 2 quarters of anterior surface of fibula and adjacent interosseous membrane
Fibularis Brevis ACTION
Assists in plantar flexion
Fibularis Brevis INSERTION
Lateral part of styloid process of 5th metatarsal
Fibularis Brevis NERVE
Superficial Fibular n. (L4,L5,S1)
Fibularis Brevis ORIGIN
Distal 2/3 of lateral surface of fibula and adjacent intermuscular septa
Fibularis Longus ACTION
Assists in plantar flexion
Depresses first metatarsal head
Fibularis Longus INSERTION
Lateral side of base of 1st metatarsal and of medial cuneiform bone
Fibularis Longus NERVE
Superficial Fibular n. (L4,L5,S1)
Fibularis Longus ORIGIN
Lateral tibial condyle
Head and proximal 2/3 of lateral surface of fibula,
Intermuscular septa
Adjacent deep fascia
Fibularis Tertius ACTION
Ankle DF
Foot Eversion
Fibularis Tertius INSERTION
Dorsal surface, base of 5th metatarsal
Fibularis Tertius NERVE
Deep Fibular n. (L4-L5-S1)
Fibularis Tertius ORIGIN
Distal 1/3 of anterior surface of fibula, interosseous membrane and adjacent intermuscular septa
Flexor digiti minimi brevis ACTION
MTP flexion of 5th digit
Flexor digiti minimi brevis INSERTION
Distal tendon that inserts into the lateral side of the base of the proximal phalanx of the minimus (5th digit).
Flexor digiti minimi brevis NERVE
Lateral Plantar n. (S2, S3)
Flexor digiti minimi brevis ORIGIN
Medial part of the plantar surface of the base of the 5th metatarsal bone
Sheath of the fibularis longus