Upper Extremity Flashcards
triangular fibrocartilaginous complex (TFCC)
formed by the triangular fibrocartilage discus (TFC), the radioulnar ligaments (RUL’s) and the ulnocarpal ligaments (UCL’s)

latissimus dorsi

supraspinatus muscle

axillary artery and branches

extensor tendon attachment in fingers

glenohumeral ligaments

structures passing through carpal tunnel

carpal bones of the wrist

all forearm flexor muscles

flexor digitorum profondus




extensor digiti minimi

Origin: occipital bone and spinal process of C7 (upper), spinus process of T1-T5 (middle), spinus process of T6-T12 (lower)
Insertion: scapula (spine, acromion process), lateral 1/3 of clavicle

acromioclavicular joint and ligament

conoid ligament
Collectively: coracoclavicular ligament

triceps brachii

serratus anterior

common flexor tendon

pronator quadratus

attachment of latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major on humerus

extensor digitorum


ulnar nerve (wrist)

palmaris longus

flexor carpi radialis

teres minor

radial annular ligament
radial annular ligament - attaches to ulna (both ends)

all extensor forearm muscles

extensor carpi radialis longus


pronator teres

head, neck, shaft, greater tuberosity, bicipital groove, lesser tuberosity, lateral and medial epicondyle, troclea and capitulum

thenor muscles of the hand

levator scapula

median nerve (elbow and wrist)
Innervates all of the flexors in the forearm except flexor carpi ulnaris and that part of flexor digitorum profundus that supplies the 4th and 5th digits

coracoacromial ligament


interossie - dorsal
- abduction away from middle finger

medial collateral ligament (elbow)
part = bundle

lateral collaretal ligament (elbow)

common extensors tendon

suprascapular nerve
- from upper trunk of brachial plexus, innervates suprasinatus and infraspinatus

flexor pollicis longus

ulnar and radial artery

Nerve innervation of the hand

pulley system of the hand

hypothenar muscles

brachial artery
Tendon (biceps brachii), artery (brachial), nerve (median)

Anatomical snuff box

ulnar nerve (elbow)

long thoracic nerve
- arises from anterior rami of spinal nerve roots C5-C7
- innervates serratus anterior muscle

Sternoclavicular joint and ligaments
interclavicular ligament
anterior sternoclavicular ligament
costo-clavicular ligament

teres major

radial tuberosity and radial styloid process

extensor carpi ulnaris

radial nerve (elbow)
superficial branch - Innervates the dorsal (nail side) surface of the lateral three and half digits, and their associated palm area
deep branch - innervates extensor muscles of the hand

pectoralis minor


biceps brachii

metacarpals and phalanges of wrist


ulna - olecranon, trochlear notch, ulna tuberosity, ulnar styloid process

1st Rib
Costo-clavicular ligament on cartilage of first rib

flexor carpi ulnaris

thoracodorsal nerve
- originates from posterior cord of brachial plexus
- innervates latissimus dorsi

rotator cuff muscles
1) supraspinatus muscle
2) infraspinatus muuscle
3) teres minor muscle
4) subscapularis muscle
axillary nerve
- arises from posterior cord of brachial plexus
- innervates deltoid, teres minor, and long head of triceps brachii

interossei - palmar
- adduction towards middle finger

glenoid cavity, spine, borders and angles, supraspinatus and infraspinatus fossas, acromion

trapezoid ligament
Collectively: coracoclavicular ligament

Extensor carpi radialis brevis

pectoralis major

lumbricals of hand

Glenoid labrum
-fibro-cartilagenous joint, like knee miniscus, deepening the socekt joint

flexor tendon attachments in fingers

Transverse humeral ligaments

extensor indicis

flexor digitorum superficialis


Brachial Plexus