Lower Extremity Flashcards
LCL (fibular collateral ligament), MCL (tibial collateral ligament)

muscles of the foot (1st layer - most superficial)
origen: calcaneous
- abductor hallucis, i: base of proximal phalanx of big toe, flexes/abducts big toe, braces medial longitudinal arch
- flexor digitorum brevis, i: tendons to 4 lateral toes (middle phalanx), flexes lateral 4 toes, braces medial and lateral longitudinal arch
- abductor digiti minimi, i: proximal phalanx of fifth toe, flexes and abducts fifth toe, braces lateral longitudinal arch

ligament of head of the femur
aka ligamentum teres

flexor digitorum (longus)

common fibular nerve
aka peroneal nerve

bones of the foot

deltoid ligament at ankle

tensor fascia lata

tibial nerve - posterior
tibial nerve, vein, artery from lateral to medial

lateral ligament at ankle

femoral artery, popliteal artery, anterior tibial artery, posterior tibial artery

plantar calcaneo-navicular ligament (spring)
- medial view



flexor hallucis longus

fibular artery

plantar fascia

muscles of the foot (3rd layer - second deepest)
- flexor hallucis brevis, o: cuboid, lateral cuniform i: lateral and medial side of base of proximal pahalnx of big toe, a: flexes big toe, supports medial lognitudinal arch
- adductor hallucis, o: base of 2-4 metatarsals (oblique head), plantar ligaments (lateral head), i: lateral side of base of proximal phalynx of big toe, a: flexes bid toe and holds together metatarsals
- flexor digiti minimi brevis, o: base of 5th metatarsal, i: lateral side of base of proximal phalynx of little toe, a: flexes little toe


tibialis anterior

dorsalis pedis artery

muscles of the foot (2nd layer - 3rd deepest)
- 4 lumbricals, o: tendons of flexor digitorum longus, i: base of proximal phalanges of lateral four toes, extends toes

- under gastrocnemius

sciatic nerve

gluteus medius

quadriceps and attachments

superior and inferior gluteal nerves

superior and inferior gemelli
superior: origen = spine of ischium, insertion = greater trochanter of femur, action = lateral rotation of thigh at hip joint
inferior: origen = ischial tuberosity, insertion = greater trochanter of femur, action = lateral rotation of thigh at hip joint

- posterior view

femoral triangle

gluteus minimus

obturator externus

adductor brevis

ligaments of the knee

sacroiliac joint

medial and lateral plantar nerves

pes anserine
sartorius, gracilis, semitendinosus - goose foot
- inserts onto anteromedial tibia

obturator internus
posterior view

meadial view of ankle
tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, posterior tibial artery, tibial nerve, flexor hallucis longus

popliteus muscle

extensor digitorum brevis
- also note the extensor hallucis brevis


femoral nerve

fibularis longus

tibialis posterior


Superior and inferior pubic rami

origin for iliacus = iliac fossa

extensor digitorum (longus)

gluteus maximus

extensor hallucis longus

Ischial tuberosity


tibial plateau (medial and lateral)

fibularis tertius

posterior leg muscles

talus (head, body, neck)

anterior leg muscles

iliotibial band

hamstrings and attachments

adductor magnus


adductor longus

quadratus femoris

fibularis brevis

inferior tibiofibular joint and ligaments

ilium, pubis, and ischium

lateral ankle: fibularis longus and brevis

superior tibiofibular joint and ligaments

pelvis - body of ilium, iliac crest, Anterior Superior Iliac spine (ASIS), Anterior Inferior Iliac spine (AIIS), Posterior Superior Iliac spine (PSIS), pubic symphysis, obturator foramen, acetabulum

3 Hip Ligaments


ACL, PCL, medial and lateral meniscus

muscles of the foot (4th layer - deepest)
- 3 plantar interossei, o: inferior surface of 3-5 metatarsal, i: medial side of bases of proximal phalanges of lateral 3 toes, a: adduction of toes, flexes metatarsophalangeal joint, extends interphalangeal joints
- 4 dorsal interossei, o:adjacent sides of metatarsal bones, i: base of proximal phalanges, a: abduction of toes, flexes metatarsophalangeal joint, extends interphalangeal joints

Ischiopubic ramus
