upper extremity Flashcards
-rotate and sidebend head to the side
-occiput is in contact with the middle finger of practitioner
-forearm is on side of head and push shoulder down
-relax, and pull head round as to sidebend more
-repeat to both sides
spleni and semispinalis
-lift head up and push down into pillow
-breathe and push head up more
-can cross forearms
pec minor sidelying
-patient sidelying with arms folded and knees bent. patient is balanced on their shoulder
-ulnar contact on medial border of scap
-protract shoulder forward
-externally rotate shoulder
-patient try to push wrist down to their feet
-practitioner pushes shoulder into more external rotation (backwards)
infraspinatus & teres minor
-internally rotate shoulder
-patient tries to push up to head
-practitioner internally rotates more
pectoralis minor supine
-patient places hand on back (ulnar contact on opposite scap with thumb inside scap of shoulder)
-push their shoulder into the couch whilst patient pushes it up into ceiling
-can do sidelying
pectoralis major
-arm is bent by head, push into their pec
-patient pushes up into ceiling
-stretch arm down more
pec major sitting
-patients hand is on their hips
-pull their shoulders back
-they push their shoulder forward
lat dorsi supine
-arm stretched back and they try to push down to feet
-practitioner pushes back more
lat dorsi sidelying
-arm up by head
-try to push elbow down to hips
-fix off on hip and push arm into a further stretch
lat dorsi sitting
-patient crosses arm across body
-push them into thoracic rotation
-patient tries to push out of rotation
short lever lat dorsi
-push into stretch from ribs instead of hips
lev scap
-rotate, sidebend and flex head
-patient pushes into my forearm
-practitioner pushes into a further stretch
-patient sitting. Stand behind patient
-cross arm against body. Hold shoulder and cross around to forearm
-patient tries to abduct while practitioner pushes into adduct
-new barrier= cross across body more
supine–> fix off on medial scap border on contralateral side and bring arm over
sidelying–> palpate medial border through patients arms and bring shoulder forward