Upper Extremitites Flashcards
Shoulder (planes and angles)
Flexion - 150 Hyperextension - 40 ABduction - 150 ADduction - 30 Internal rotation - 70 External rotation - 90
Elbow (planes and angles)
Flexion - 150
Hyperextension - 5
Pronation - 80
Supination - 80
Wrist (planes and angles)
Flexion 80
Hyperextension 70
Radial deviation 20
Ulnar deviation 30
Fingers (planes and angles)
Flexion 90 Hyperextension 30 Opposition Abduction Adduction
Scapular winging
Scapular protraction. Indicates weakness of serratus anterior muscle.
Drop arm test
Pt abducts arms, then slowly lowers them. If rotator cuff tear, affected arm will drop to side.
Yergason test
Pt flexes elbow to 90. Provider holds shoulder and wrist, then have pt externally rotate and supinate against resistance. Tendon pop indicates long head of bicep unstable in bicipital groove.
Apprehension test
Abduct and externally rotate pt’s arm. Pt will look alarmed anticipating dislocation. This is a test for chronic shoulder dislocation.
Tennis elbow test
Examiner resists extension of 3rd digit. This would cause pain in the lateral epicondyle indicative of lateral epicondilitis.
Tinel sign - elbow/wrist
Elicit tenderness over neuroma in a nerve. Elbow (ulnar) - b/t olecranon and medial epicondyle; wrist (median) - tap over volar carpal ligament.
Finkelstein test
Pt makes fist around thumb. Stabilize pt’s forearm with one hand, deviate pt’s wrist to ulnar side with other. Pain indicates stenosing tenosynovitis of tendons in Tunnel I.
Phalen test
Pt flexes wrist to maximum degree for one minute. Tingling of fingers indicates carpal tunnel syndrome.
Biceps reflex
C5-C6 (C5 mostly)
Triceps reflex
C6-C7 (C7)
Cubitus valgus
Elbow carrying angle > 15.
Cubitus varus
Decrease in elbow carrying angle.
Olecranon bursitis
Inflamed bursa; boggy and thick on palpation.
Dislocation of the shoulder
Humeral head displaced from glenoid fossa causing visible asymmetrical slant downward on affected side.
Ganglia/ganglion cyst
Dorsal or ventral small, pea-sized benign mass on wrist.
Rheumatoid nodules
Firm, non-tender masses occuring in pts with RA.
Dupuytren contracture
Flexion deformity of fingers caused by nodules on ulnar surface proximal to ring and little fingers.
Swan-neck deformity
Hyperextension of PIP joint and flexion of DIP joint caused by RA.
Boutonniere deformity
Flexion of PIP joint and extension of DIP joint.
Mallet finger
Extensor tendon is torn causing palpable bony fragment.
Heberden nodes
Bony nodules on dorsal and lateral aspects of DIP joint, can be found in pts with osteoarthritis.
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Narrowing of carpal tunnel which contains median nerve and finger flexor tendons. Causes motor and sensory loss in hands.
Describe carrying angle of elbow
Deviation between axis of forearm and upperarm. Usually more pronounced in women.