Neurological Exam Flashcards
Outer layer with right and left hemispheres. Tests basic cognition.
Posterior base of brain. Tests coordination of movement, posture, balance.
Frontal lobe
Anterior/superior cortex. Tests thinking, decision making, personality, Broca’s area.
Parietal lobe
Superior/posterior cortext. Tests taste, temperature, touch.
Occipital lobe
Posterior. Tests vision.
Temporal lobe
Lateral. Test hearing, comprehending speech, Wernicke’s area.
Limbic system
Midbrain. Tests memory, emotional responses.
Midbrain/pons/medulla. Regulates life-sustaining functions (breathing, HR, temp, etc).
Cranial nerves I-XII
CN I (Olfactory) : Sensory (distinguish smells). (Optic) CN II: Sensory (visual acuity, fundoscopy, confrontation) CN III (Oculomotor): Motor (Cardinal Eye Movement, AO3) CN IV (Trochlear): Motor (Cardinal Eye Movement, SO4) CN V (Trigeminal): Motor (clench teeth, move jaw side to side), Sensory (sharp, dull, light touch – Ophthalmic, Maxillary, Mandibular) CN VI (Abducens): Motor (Cardinal Eye Movement, LR6) CN VII (Facial): Motor (elevate eyebrows, close eyes tightly, puff out cheeks, smile & show teeth) CN VIII (Acoustic): Sensory (gross hearing, Weber, Rinne) CN IX (Glossopharyngeal): Motor (Gag Reflex, Say “Ah”, Swallow) CN X (Vagus): Motor (Gag Reflex, Say “Ah”, Swallow) CN XI (Spinal Accessory): Motor: Trapezius (shoulder shrug, against resistance); Sternocleidomastoid (turn head against resistance CN XII (Hypoglossal): Motor: Extend tongue, test lateral strength of tongue (press through cheek), listen for dysarthria
Basal ganglia
Midbrain. Coordinates fine motions (with cerebellum).
Spinal cord
White and gray matter. Form spinal nerves.
Ascending spinal tracts
White matter. Mediate sensations.
Spinocerebellar - proprioception.
Spinothalamic - light/crude touch, pressure, temp, pain.
Dorsal columns - Fine touch, 2 point discrimination, proprioception.
Descending spinal tracts
Grey matter. Mediate motor funciton.
Corticospinal - convey impulses to muscle groups. Role in muscle tone, posture, precise motor movements.
Corticobulbar - Innervates motor function of cranial nerves.
Spinal nerves
Innervate throughout body for sensory and motor function in dermatomal pattern.
Difference between upper and lower motor lesion
Both perform different signs and symptoms.
UMN: from spinal cord connections up to brain.
LMN: involve neurons from spinal cord connections to periphery.
Difference between voluntary and autonomic nervous system
Autonomic NS: Visceral motor control of cardiac/smooth muscles/glands.
Voluntary (Somatic) NS: Somatic motor control. CNS conducts impulses to skeletal muscles.
GCS and it’s usefulness
Used to quantify consciousness; assesses function of cerebral cortex. Best for emergencies. 15/15 normal.
Equipment needed for neuro exam
Penlight Tongue blade Tuning forks Familiar objecs (paper clips, coins) Cotton wisp Monofilament Reflex hammer Vials of aromatic substances Eye chart
DTR scores/meanings
0: No response
1+: Sluggish or diminished
2+: Active or expected
3+: More brisk than expected, slightly hyperactive
4+: Brisk, hyperactive, with intermittent or transient clonus