Upper Extremities Flashcards
What is the position of the UE in an arm sling?
Shoulder IR, elbow at 90, possible forearm pronation
What are the indications for an arm sling?
Humeral fracture, surgical repair of bone, tendon, nerve, artery, RC injury, hemiparesis secondary to stroke, brachial plexus injury
What is another name for an arm abduction orthosis?
Airplane splint
What is the typical design of an arm abduction orthosis?
Support the medial arm, weight borne on iliac crest or lateral trunk
When is an arm abduction orthosis indicated?
Axillary burn, following surgery for scar release or shoulder fusion, shoulder dislocation, contractures
What is the general function of the radius
Designed for mobility and functional grasp
What is the general function of the ulna
Designed for stability
What is the functional position of the wrist and hand? (wrist, MCP, PIP, DIP, thumb)
Wrist: 30 extension
MCP: 45-50 flexion
PIP: 30-45 flexion
DIP: slight flexion
Thumb: opposition and abduction
What is the resting position of the wrist and hand? (wrist, MCP, IP, thumb)
Wrist: 20 extension
MCP: 70-90 flexion
IP: 5-10 flexion
Thumb: CMC abducted, MCP extended
What type of orthosis is displayed in the image?
Resting hand orthosis
What is the purpose of the resting hand orthosis
Protection, support, correct alignment
When is a resting hand orthosis indicated?
Arthritis, cumulative trauma disorders, surgery of forearm, wrist, or hand, TBI, SCI, polio, burns, GB, ALS, contractures
What type of orthosis is displayed in the image?
Wrist cock-up orthosis
What is the position of a wrist cock-up orthosis?
Wrist: extended
MPs: supported but allow some movement
IPs: allowed unrestricted movement
What is the purpose of a wrist cock-up orthosis?
Support the wrist during the acute phase of healing or increase functional independence secondary to weakness by improving hand function
When is a wrist cock-up orthosis indicated?
Carpal tunnel, tendonitis, epicondylitis, wrist sprain or strain, surgery, brachial plexus injury
What device is displayed in the image?
Short opponens orthosis
What is the thumb and IP position with a short opponens orthosis?
Thumb in abduction to promote function and IP joint clearing the thenar crease
When is a short opponens orthosis indicated?
CMC/MCP arthritis, fracture, subluxation, dislocation of thumb, MCP fusion or ligament repair, SCI, GB, CP
What orthosis is displayed in the image?
Long opponens orthosis - thumb spica
When is a long opponens orthosis indicated?
With pathology involving the thumb and the wrist
What orthosis is displayed in the image?
Tenodesis orthosis
What is the purpose of a tenodesis orthosis?
With active wrist extension, wrist flexors are put on stretch, which causes finger flexion. Allows for a functional grip
What deformity is shown in the image?
Swan neck
What deformity is shown in the image?
What type of orthosis with a three point pressure system be used for Swan Neck or Boutonniere deformities?
Ring orthosis