Upper Arm Points Flashcards
LI 12: ZHOULIAO Elbow Foramen
Locate this point with the persons elbow flexed, and his arm folded across his body. It lies about 1 cun superior and 1 cun lateral to LI 11. On the superior border of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus, ie. where the bone begins to flare out.
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When the elbow is flexed, this point is superior to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus, about 1 cun superolateral to LI-11 (qu chi), on the lateral supracondylar crest of the humerus.
The distance from LI-11 (qu chi) to the level of the end of the anterior axillary fold is 9 cun.
Have the patient flex his or her elbow. Locate the point superior to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus, just ante- rior to the lateral supracondylar ridge.
LI 13: SHOUWULI Arm Five Miles
With the elbow bent, 3 cun above the flexure of the elbow (and LI 11), on the line joining LI 12- LI 15. It lies on the lateral border of the biceps brachii.
LI 14: BINAO Upper Arm’s Musculature
Ask the person to abduct their upper arm to expose the deltoid muscle. Find the ‘V’ of the insertion of the deltoid, on the upper arm. With the arm relaxed by the person’s side and the elbow bent, feel for the point just anterior to this insertion, on the line connecting LI 12 - LI 15. The point lies here at 7 cun above the flexure of the elbow.
LI 15: JIANYU Shoulder Joint
Stand at the side of the person so you can see the front and the back of them. The point is found on the most lateral part of the shoulder. Place vertical hands; one on the anterior and one on the posterior aspect of the acromion so you can isolate the bone and gauge the mid-point. Abduct the arm so you can identify the joint line between the greater tuberosity of the humerus and the acromion. The point lies in this joint line, in the deltoid muscle. As the person moves their arm up and down, feel for the hollow that is just inferior to the lateral ridge of bone (acromion) and the humerus. The point lies here, where a needle may slip into the shoulder joint, at the most lateral extremity of the shoulder. Consider the curve of the shoulders, so that the lateral edge may in fact be anterior to the frontal plane.
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Anterior and inferior to the acromion process, in the ante- rior depression that is formed when the arm is abducted on the level of the shoulder.
Abduct the patient’s arm to the level of the shoulder. Locate the point in the depression that lies anterior to the lateral border of the acromion and the greater tuberosity of the humerus, at the origin of the deltoid muscle. This point is most easily felt when the patient completely relaxes, while the practitioner holds and abducts the upper arm, and the arm is moved passively.
TB 11: QINGLENGYUAN Cool Still Abyss
The point lies on the posterior surface of the upper arm, 2 cun
superior to the tip of the olecranon, in the tendon of the triceps muscle.
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1 cun proximal to SJ-10 (tian jing), when the elbow is flexed.
Have the patient stand with their hands on their hips, elbow extended outward. Locate this point on the posterior aspect of their upper arm, on the line connecting the tip of the olecranon with the acromial angle, 2 cun proximal to the tip of the olecranon.
TB 12: XIAOLUO Dispersing Riverbed
This point lies on the posterior surface of the upper arm 5 cun
superior to the tip of the olecranon, where the two heads of the triceps muscle start to separate. It lies on a line from the tip of the olecranon to TB 14 and is midway between TB 11 and TB 13.
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On the posterior side of the humerus, midway on the line connecting SJ-11 (qing leng yuan) and SJ-13 (nao hui).
Have the patient sit with their arms adducted. Locate this point on the posterior aspect of the arm, on the line connecting the tip of the olecranon with the acromial angle, approximately 5 cun proximal to the tip of the olecranon.
TB 13: NAOHUI Upper Arm Convergence
On the posterior surface of the arm, just inferior to the posterior border of the deltoid muscle. It lies at 8 cun superior to the tip of the olecranon. Abduct the person’s arms to highlight deltoid.
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On the posterior aspect of the humerus, on the line con- necting the tip of the olecranon and SJ-14 (jian liao), 3 cun below SJ-14 (jian liao), and on the posterior and inferior bor- der of the deltoid muscle.
Have the patient adduct their arm. Locate this point on the posterior aspect of their arm, posteroinferior to the border of the deltoid muscle, 3 cun inferior to the acromial angle.
TB 14: JIANLIAO Shoulder Foramen
When the person’s arm is raised horizontally (abducted), this point lies
in the posterior of the two hollows that form at the shoulder joint (where LI 15 is in the hollow at the lateral extremity of the shoulder). It is on the posterio-lateral corner of the acromion. When the arm is relaxed at the person’s side, the point is found between the acromion and the
greater tuberosity of the humerus, in the deltoid muscle. Feel along the spine of thescapula to the extremity of the shoulder and find the point just inferior to the ridge of bone that is the lateral part of the acromion. TB 14 is located in the hollow that is inferior to the posterio-lateral corner of the acromion and is roughly 1 cun posterior to LI 15 and 1 cun lateral to SI 10.
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With the arm abducted, it is located in the depression just posterior and inferior to the acromion of the shoulder, about 1 cun posterior to LI-15 (jian yu).
Have the patient abduct their arm. Locate this point on their shoulder girdle, in the depression between the acro- mial angle and the greater tubercle of the humerus. Note that when the arm is abducted, there are two depressions on the shoulder. The anterior depression is LI-15 (jian yu) and the posterior depression is SJ-14 (jian liao).
Remember- This point is part of a group of 3 that encircle the extremity of the shoulder and form an epaulette. They are roughly equidistance from each other; SI 10, TB 14 and LI 15.
He 2: QINGLING Blue-Green Spirit
3 cun above the flexure of the elbow (He 3), in the groove that is found medial to the biceps muscle when the arm is bent. It lies on the line connecting He 1 - He 3.
Pe 2: TIANQUAN Heavenly Spring
7 cun above the flexure of the elbow (Pc 3), between the two heads of the biceps muscle. The easiest way to identify the point is to ask the patient to move their arm in two ways to reveal the cun and muscle landmarks. Ask the patient to raise their forearm against the resistance of your hand to highlight the biceps
muscle and reveal the gap between the heads of the biceps. Notice that on someone with welldeveloped biceps muscles this looks like the mid-line of the anterior surface of the arm, but on someone with smaller muscles it may appear to be more
medial than you would have expected visually.
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2 cun distal to the end of the anterior axillary fold, between the two heads of the biceps brachii muscle.
Have the patient stretch his or her arm forward with his or her palm upward. Locate the point on the anterior aspect of the arm, 2 cun below the end of the axillary fold, between the septum of the long head and the short head of biceps brachii muscle. The distance from the end of the axillary fold to the transverse cubital crease PC-3 (qu ze) is mea- sured as 9 cun.
Lu 3: TIANFU Heavenly Treasury
6 cun above the flexure of the elbow (Lu 5), on the posterio-lateral border of the biceps muscle in the seam between the bone and the muscle. Ask the patient to raise their forearm against the resistance of your hand to reveal the biceps muscle. As with Pc 2 the position of the posterior border of the biceps varies enormously depending on a person’s build. Put your fingers on the lateral surface of the patient’s arm where you can feel the humerus. bone. Palpate anteriorly until they fall into the seam
between bone and muscle. This is the line of the
Lung Channel.
Find 6 cun by dividing the 9 cun length into 3 equal
Lu 4: XIABAI Guarding White
5 cun above the flexure of the elbow (Lu 5), on the posterior border of the biceps muscle. See Lu 3 above for method of location.