Upper and Lower peripheral nerves Flashcards
What is a hemiplegia gait? What can cause it?
Foot is plantar flexed. Leg is swung in a lateral arc
What is a parkinsonian gait?
Shuffling, freezing, trouble turning around
What is a cerebellar/ataxic gait?
Drunken gait that is wide based or reeling on a narrow base. Patient staggers towards affected side.
What is a posterior column gait? What can cause it?
Clumsy slapping down of the feet on a broad base
B12 deficiency
What is a foot drop gait?
High steppage gait
Name the spinal levels involved with: hip flexion, hip extension, knee flexion, knee extension, plantar flexion, dorsiflexion
hip flexion - L1,2 Hip extension - L4,5 Knee flexion - L5,S1 Knee extension - L3,L4 Plantar flexion - S1,2 Dorsiflexion - L4,L5
What would pronator drift mean?
Pyramidal lesion, e.g. in stroke
What spinal level is involved in the knee and ankle reflex?
Knee - L3,4
Ankle - S1
What spinal level is involved in the biceps, triceps and brachioradialis reflexes?
Biceps - C5,6
Triceps - C7
Brachioradialis - C5,6