CVS Flashcards
What is aortic stenosis? Where would it be heard? What type of murmur is it?
Narrowing of aortic valve
Heard in the aortic valve area
Ejection type murmur
What is aortic regurgitation? Where would it be heard? What type of murmur is it?
Leaking of blood from aorta back into left ventricle
Just below pulmonic valve
Early diastolic murmur
What is mitral stenosis? Where would it be heard? What type of murmur is it?
Narrowing of mitral valve
Heard in the mitral valve area.
Mid-late diastolic
What is mitral regurgitation? Where would it be heard? What type of murmur is it?
Leaking of blood from left ventricle back into left atrium during contraction.
Heard in the mitral area
Pansystolic murmur
What type of murmur would you hear better by using the bell on the mitral area with the patient rolled to the left?
Mitral stenosis
Why do you auscultate the carotids?
To listen for bruits of the carotids (narrowing of the carotid arteries)
What murmur are you listening for when you get the patient to sit forward and fully exhale?
Aortic regurgitation
Inspection of the hands - what are you looking for?
Tar staining, clubbing, peripheral cyanosis, splinter hemorrhages
Inspection of the face - what are you looking for?
Mitral facies, xanthelasma, corneal arcus, pale conjunctiva
How would you complete the CVS exam?
Peripheral vascular exam, fundoscopy, temperature, urinalysis
What is janeway lesions indicative of?
infective endocarditis
What are oslers nodes indicative of?
infective endocarditis
What are splinter hemorrhages indicative of?
infective endocarditis, lupus, RA
What is mitral facies indicative of?
Mitral stenosis
What is the normal JVP?
8 cm - 5 cm + 3cm above sternal angle