upcoming exam Flashcards
impact of symetrical family on childhood
less gender role socialisation /canalisation
Bertod study on caribbean families
found a type of individualism: the norm that people had to right to be free within marriage even if they had a child with the other person
- meant many Caribbean fathers chose not to stay with the mother of their children, leading to an increase in lone parent families.
evaluation of parsons saying the nuclear family benefits individuals
not the women - warm bath theory makes them ‘takers of shit’
why do func think there needs to be 2 parents
to fulfill expressive and instrumental role
what does giddens mean by a pure relationship being a ‘rolling contract’
it can be ended at any moment by either partner, rather than the relationship being out of permanent commitment.
leads to greater family diversity, eg, increased lone parents
who talks about the zombie family, and what does this mean
the family appears alive, but in reality is dead
- no longer a haven of secuirty but cannot provide stability in this insecure world becauase of its own instability
how can the postmodernist view about so much choice be evaluated - and who says this
- their view is an idealised white middle class view of choice
- most people restricted such as patriarchal gender norms
4 ways globalisation can affect teaching and practices of religion
- lead to fundamentalism
- postmodernist emphasis on choice and consumerism
- religion for cultural defence and identity
- no longer linked to physical places - online church
rad fem on role of family
- men are enemy and source of oppression and exploitation
- family and marriage are key institutions in patriarchy - men benefit from unpaid domestic labour and sexual services
- dominate women through domestic and sexual violence
somerville on rad fem
- a( liberal)
- fail to recognise progress and improved position
- job opportunities, fertility control, divorce etc
- heterosexual attraction makes political lesbianism unrealistic
what is the domestic divison of labour
refers to the way gender roles are assigned within the family, such as the man as breadwinner and the woman as homemaker, known as instrumental and expressive roles.
what is the feminisation of poverty
face a greater risk of poverty than men
- may be due to the gender pay gap ,inequality in the division of caring responsibilities.
Women are also more likely to outlive their partners.
evidence for same sex families changing due to legal policies
allan and crow
- now have more stability due to legal framework
- before had to negotiate commitment like married couples
5 changes wilmott and young attribute to symetrical families
- tech and labour saving devices (washing machines)
- higher standards of living (can afford modern goods that save labour time
- smaller family sizes - reduced domestic workload on both - also meant women could work
- changing social attitudes - talk about new man - david beckham lol
- changing position of women - dual earner
what are joint conjugal roles
share similar duties of child and housework
- also spend leisure time together
who talks about conjugal roles
who talks about instrumental and expressive roles - whats their argument
- based upon biological diff and how this applies to nuclear family
Who talks about sexy typing of domestic roles - what does this mean
- washing car - men, dishes - women
- younger men more likley to have equal view
evience for women doing more childcare
British social attitudes survey 2012
- women do 23 hours of taking care of family members vs men 10
evience for women doing more housework
British social attitudes survey 2012
- women do 12 hours of housework vs mens 8
McIntosh on power and decision making (3)
women put more domestic labour in than they get financially compensated for
- often unpredictable compentsation with ‘strings attached’
- men still make all important decisions
Edgell on money and decision making
3 types of decisions
- very important (change of job, house etc) - mens more importnat
- importnat - childs education, holiday - joint
- less important - house decor, childs clothing - mother
this is due to men earning more, so their decision seems more valid/ earned since women are dependant
evidence for women having more decision and power in a relationship, the more they earn
Gershuny - the moe qualified/ high job a woman had the more say she had
evidence for women having less of a devision of labour in a relationship, the more they earn
Gershuny - found women who worked less did more equal division
Yee Kahn (couples)
generational shift in behaviour and attitudes towards domestic labour
- doing more than their fathers, doing less than their mothers did
Dobbash and Dobash’ study on domestic violence
- from police/ court records or interviews
- happened when mens authority was challenged
- marriage legitimised abuse because women felt a dependance on them abd men felt they had power as a husband and authority
evidence for domestic violenvce
2 women a week killed by former or current partner - coleman
evidence on fathers not being involved in chilcadre
ball et al
1/70 took care of sick child
they were ‘background’ parents who played with them but nothing serious
- saw women as primary caregiver
why is the family an illusion according to zaretsky
doesnt acc meet its members needs
- built off of the domestic servitude of women
2 ways the family is an ideological function according to marxists
- socialises children into idea of hierarchy and inequality - parental power etc and working life of taking orders
- offers a haven from harsh world of exploitative capitalism