changing patterns Flashcards
two ways women are no longer financially dependant upon men
- more in paid work
- welfare
5 reasons theres an increase in divorce
- financial position of women
- secularisation
- decline in stigma
- changing laws
- rising expectations of marriage due to media
why does Fletcher say rising expectations of marriage causes divorce
less likley to tolerate unhappiness
what does changes in law mean there is a reduction of
empty shell marriages
why does fletcher say there is evidence for dissatisfaction with relationship not marraige as an institution
what percent of marriages end in divorce
why do feminists criticise functionalist belief about rise in divorce
fail to explain why women are most liklet to file for it
statistic for rise in cohabitation
in 80s 70% of people thought those with children should be married, but only 40% do now
evidence for cohabitation being a trial marruage
chester - 75% of couples expect to marry each other
why do afro caribbeans have highest rate of lone parenthood
salvery women and children kept together but men seperated - this cycle persists
what percent of children born out of wedlock
Hoschild on feminist explanations of divorce
- home is more unfavourable to work because they are valued at work, not home
- mens resistance to domestic work causes tension and frustration
2 feminist explanations for divorce
- dual burden - paid and domestic work
- private sphere change is slower than public
murray on lone parenthood
- due to welfare creating a depedancy culture
- threatening norms of society so should stop welfare
evaluation for murray on loneparenthood (2)
- welfare isnt helping women that much - still in poverty
- childcare being so expensive is the reason so many do not work and fathers not providing childcare
why do postmodernsist say there is a rise in divorce (3)
individualisation and self interest
- beck - relationships fragile
- giddens - pure relationships - purely for personal fulfillment not duty to kids or tradition
3 statistics about one person households
- rise in living alone
- almost half are over 65
- 3/10 households
why are there more one person households
- incraesed seperation and divorce
- decline in marriage
- LAT - living paart together - too early in relationship to move in (duncan)
what does weeks say about found family
same sex couples look for -friendhsip as kin’ to replicate secuirty and stability of hetero families
how many famileus are reconstituted
crow on reconstituted families
tensions in family from diff parental figures as well as the ones not in marriage
why are reconstituted families more likely to be in poverty
- could have to pay child support to other family
- more children
how many women head lone parent families
why are women more likley to head lone parent families (2)
- belief that they have nurturing and expressive role
- courts usually give them custody