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municipia sine suffragia
less integration, no vote
Lex claudia
218: prevents senators from trade
Publius Sulpicius Rufus
Tribune for 88. Proposes distribution of new citizens between existing tribes. Exchanges command vs. Mithridates (Sulla’s) for armed Marius’ support; first casualty of Sullan proscriptions.
Diophanes and Stoic Blossius
Influences on Gracchi
Publius Clodius Pulcher
Cross-dresser; transfers orders–>tribunate; passes populist measures (grain, reinstatement of collegia) by delaying assignment of provinciae and thus using as carrot/stick
Scaevola (consul), random Cato, Fulvius Flaccus
Allies of Gracchi
Instruction of E to governors, mags
Two plebeians hold censorship
Ethnicity of all tetrachs
Taxation, jury courts to equites
G Gracchus
Lowers army pay
Minucius Rufus
Tribune of 121; proposes repeal of Gracchus’ legislation–>violence in which Opimius’ servant killed
When Mac province?
Agrarian laws–>ager publicus converted to private property, rent abolished
Appius Claudius Pulcher
In 142, defeated for censorship by Aemilianus; father in-law of T Gracchus; commisioner of land commision with Gracchi
Ahenobarbus passes plebeians can be priests
Population at turn of century
50-70; 20% urbanization
Reforms of Marius
6 centuries<legion of 6000; all ages, classes intermixed with pilum and gladius; carry own equiptment
Sister of Theodosius II
Lex Julia de Civitate latinis danda: citizenship to all municipia who had not fought; followed by grant to all
Lex Julia de adulteriis
Husbands must divorce, prosecute; after 2 months, liable themselves; wife may but need not divorce
freed 10,000 slave bodyguard
Marcus Furius Camillus
As dictator 2*, captures Veii, repels Gauls
Calpurnius Bibulus
Son-in-law of Cato; Optimate candidate against and then colleague of Caesar; attempts veto-by-omen of Caesar’s redistribution. Expelled by Assembly, along with Cato . Provokes joke: Julius and Caesar consuls of 59
Cicero prosecutes Verres for extortion in Sicilly
Edict of Milan
Issued by Licinius as a rescripta: freedom of religious expression, restoration of confiscated properties.
A Gabinius
Tribune of 67: Pompey with 20 propraetors
Who crowns Tiridates?
Nero, at Rome
Censorship of Crassus: proposes citizenship to transpadane; accept spurious Ptolemaic will; perhaps kill consuls with Catiline
Lusitanian leader assassinated in 138
General of Catiline in Etruria
M F Flaccus
As consul, proposes Latin status for all Italian allies; as tribune with G Gracchus (unprecedented). Killed under SCU by Lucius Opimius
Death of Julia ruptures triumvirate
Home of Marius
German leader against whom Caesar campaigns
Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus
Presumptive consul for 55; intends to terminate Caesar’s campaign
Caesar’s invasion of Britain (1)
Pescennius Niger
Acclaimed in Syria (3), supported by 7 other Eastern legions; defeated near Issus
Battle of Corfinium
Caesar deats Ahenobarbus, adds troops to his
II Parthica
Stationed at Castra Albana
Colonies of Caesar
20 of 100,000 total
Protectores Augusti Nostri
Initiated by Gallienus as an honor (often granted to Praetorians and officers in comitatus. Thereafter, became more of a military unit
Freedmen to decuriones
Simeon Styletes
Senate under Caesar
900 with centurions, Gauls, even freedmen
Robber Council
Affirms monophysitism. However, poor attendence and irregularities (violence) lead to repudiation,
Magistrates under Caesar
Doubles P, A, and Q
Britain, Mauretania provinces
Foedus Cassianum: perpetual peace between Latins and Rome, Latin league
Decision-making, electoral (no debate)
Q. Publius Philo
First plebeian praetor (337); first proconsul (326); mandated one consul plebeian
Comitia centuriata
193 centuriae: 18 equestrian, 70 in prima classis; 90 in 2-5; 5 of lower classes
Scullard’s trend for Comitia
Tributa gradually supercedes centuriata for legislation. However latter still does consuls, appeals for capital cases (former for fines), war and peace
High point of Senatorial influence
Zama-Destruction of Corinth
Sources of money during 3rd:
citizens pay direct capital tax (only for mil purposes); all pay customs duties
Last major stronghold of Italian League.
Why not aid mamertines
Hypocritical; breach treaty of 306
Gnaeus P Carbo
Colleague of Cinna for 85-4 and of Young Marius, in 82. Distributes citizens among new tribes.
Lex Rupilia collects tithes, harbor taxes from Sicilly via private citizens rather than societates
Gaius Scribonius Curio
Tribune for 50. Proposes Caesar to stand as mag. Pompey blocks.
Leaders of merc revolt
Matho and Spendicus
Statement of general norm employing TRIB POT
Demetrios of Pharos
In 229, betrays Corcyra to Romans–>client king; expansion triggers response in 219; in Macedon, endorses peace with Aetolians, war with Rome
Paths from army to citizenship
from Claudius, diplomata (honorable discharge from auxiliaries); from II.i, enlistment.
Split during 2nd Punic
Barbarians, Campanians Punicize; Latins, Umbrians, Etrurians loyal
Defensor civitatis
protector of common citizens against ‘the more powerful’–esp. decuriones, magistrates. Generally thought to begin with Valerian but attested–esp. as sundikoi earlier.
Marcellus sacks Syracuse
Terminates grain distribution
Legions in the field during 212
25, including slaves
What day did Caesar cross
Causes of victory at Cynoscephelae
Devolved power–>tribune outflanks with one legion, attacks from rear
Imperial censi
Claudius, Vespasian
Causes of Syrian War
Aetolians tried to combine three kings, Philip, Nabis and Antiochus, against Rome; took Demetrias
deditio in fidem
Total surrender
After Pydna
500 Aetolians executed; 1000 Achaeans deported; Epirus destroyed/enslaved
Marcus Popillius Laenus
Draws a line around Antiochus Epiphanes
Last indemnity payment for 2nd Punic
Quintus Metellus
Original patron of Metellus; disagreement over consulship provokes split. Thereafter becomes Marius’ implacable opponent.
Samnite league dissolved; colonies at Beneventum
As tribune of 103, obtains land for Marius’ veterans. As tribune of 100, overrides opposition among plebs and senators, employs veterans at polls, forces Metellus into exile. Wins third tribunate, submits to Marius after SCU, is battered to death in curia.
Capture of Carthago Nova
Alignment during Social War
Samnites and Lucanians revolt; Campanians and Latins remain loyal; Etrurians and Umbrians join briefly.
Deification of Caesar
Tribune Rullus
63: Empowered to buy rather than confiscate. On the one hand, addresses real concerns: reduce unrest through resettlement. On the other hand, it concentrated power in the decemviri’s hands: vast funds, control over allocations to Pompey’s veterans.
Forum Julia/Calendar
M Aurelius Cleander
Freedman servant to PraeP, under Commodus
Theater of Pompey
Number of legions under SS
Censorship of Crassus
Aemilius Papinianus
PraeP under SS. Like Julia Domna, from Emesa, speeks Greek and Syriac. However, law school in Beirut educates to be greatest jurist
Death of Agrippa
Statement of general norm.
Pater Patriae
Balkan-born protector; like Valentinian, Theodosius, son of a low-born General.
Augustus and Livia
Sister of Basil, founds community of virgins=model for Basil’s codification of Orthodox monasteries
Agrippa and Julia
Bishop Ulfila
Converts Goths and Vandals to Arrianism
Latin status to Spain
Judea province
Archaic tribes
4 city; 31+ rural; eventually supercede Romulan; bear names of prominent aristos
Role of C Centuriata
central importance (war and peace, elections of high magistrates, juridical verdicts, etc.) Allows middle class some say.
Role of Comitia tributa
elected aediles, quaestors, vote on statutes if proposed by magistrate. (bias through weighting of rural tribes, need to travel)
1st consulship of Aemilianus
147: underage, but tribunes threaten veto; assembly demands to assign provinciae by vote
Marcus Livius Drusus
Optimate tribune of 91. Coopts agenda of populares and combines: 300 equites to senate but only senators serve on jury; colonies and distributions of land to poor; citizenship to all Latins and Italian allies
Designate individuals as enemies of state. Encourage both additions to the list (82-1) and zealous pursuit (through 49): rewards for informers and ‘executioners’; penalties for assistance; 2 generations barred from office; property auctioned by the state. Achieve objective, but open-source process leads to indiscriminate use. Intergenerational aspect tears social, political, and economic fabric.
Gallic-Spanish Network
Dominant during early II: Trajan, Hadrian, AP, Lucius Verus, MA
Broad term for legal opinion expressed by E
Price of 1 modius under AP and D
Maximum tribute paid by Aspar
Army pay under Domitian
Who creates Osrhoene
Lex Julia maiestatis
Uncertain date: any ‘crime committed against Roman people and its security’ Augustus and family also included
Consular regali
toga praetexta, sella curulis, 12 lictors, elevated platform
Widow of Aemilianus, sister of Gracchi; declaims from rostra against pretender to family
Republican tax collection
Obtained at auction by publicani and societates, maintained ships, branch offices, and hundreds of staff. Their massive revenues made them influential, and their massive expenditures made them intolerant of interference
Quatroviri consulares
Ex-consuls each judge disputes in one of four Italian regions; initiated by Hadrian, repealed by AP; reinstated by MA
Julia Mamaea
Bribes Praetorians to murder sister Julia Maesa, nephey Varius, proclaim son SA at 14.
One of many powers behind throne between VIII and Romulus Augustus
Army pay under Augustus
Transalpine Gaul to Province
Rights of mag with imperium
imperium, auspicium, summon comitia, convene Senate.
Albinus on Bacchic Cult
186: Exemplifies and exacerbates relatively deep penetration of state into Italian lives.
Lex de Imperio Vespasiani
70: appeals to precedent on J-Cs; closes with rhetorical appeal to ‘as if by power of plebiscite’; followed by sancrosanctity of all delegates
Count Gainas
Gothic; kills Rufinus on Stilicho’s command; defects to Tribgild, occupys Constantinople; expelled by citizens
Magnus Maximus
Who travelled with republican governors?
Cohors=scribes, lictors, quaestor, official legati, unofficial amici. No wives
Quintus Lucretius Afella
Victor at Praeneste. Killed by Sulla in the Forum for demands to be made consul before age limit
Julia Maesa
Proclaims grandson Varius bastard of Caracalla and thus emperor; forces to adopt SA.
Corpus Juris Civilis
institutes=textbook; Code=imperial constitutiones; Digest=opinions of jurors. All distinguish 3 categories: status of individual or collegia; property (e.g. inheritance); civil procedure + guidelines on actions. Laws often quoted with commentary.
After death of Odenaethus, Zenobia extends Palmyra from Asia Minor to Egypt. Styles Augusta, son Augustus.
Primary opponent of Arius. Driven into hiding even after Nicaea
Latin status to Sicily
Marcus Octavius
Tribune removed by T Gracchus
right to seek approval for and interpret gods’ will through auspices
Troop mobilization during 2nd
Governors tasked with particular problems; relatively intrusive; characteristic of Trajan
Galla Placidia
Daughter of Theodosius I; wife of Athaulf; regent and enormously influential under son VIII
Causes of Third Punic
Massinisa; escalating demands
Publius Polillius Laenas
Executes supporters of T Gracchus; exiled by G Gracchus
Quintus Popaedius Silo
Marsian establishes Italian confederacy with capital at Corfinium=Italica.
MA accepts Marcomanni, Quadi; Commodus then recruits
statement of normative will regarding particular situation
St. Anthony
Desert ascetic; subject of Athanasius’ Life of Antony
Pay under SS
Results of Veii
Pay for soldiers? Veii divided into 4 rustic tribes; Rome largest in Latium
Marcus Octavius
Tribune of 133; vetoes T Gracchus (rare); deposed thereby (unprecedented)
MA’s children
of 13 born to Faustina (145) 5 died before rule; 3 during; 5 after death
Rich devotee of Jerome
Romulan tribes
Tities, Ramnes, Luceres: comprise 30 curiae; primary structure for religious, political, and military (3010 cavalry; 30100 foot)
2nd consulship of Aemilianus
135: evades law against iteration. When senate denies funds, raises private, allied money.
Provinces of Marcomannia and Sarmatia
Conceived by MA; abandoned by Commodus
Retired ex-general; accession facilitated by Aspar
Suffect Consuls
Conducted 190-170: exemplify bipartite division between citizens and non-citizens.
Gaius Julius Civilis
Leads Batavian rebellion under pretense of support for Vespasian
Priscus Attalus
Puppet of Alaric
Expulsion of non-Romans
125: exemplify bipartite division between citizens and non-cit
Flavian inductees
Pliny, Tacitus (Gaul), Trajan (Spain)
Flavius Aetius
Last of the Romans’ (Gibbon); Scythian-Italian; hostage among Visigoths, Huns; defeats Boniface for Placidia’s favor; rules till assassination in 453
Allows soldiers to marry
socii nominis Latini
Formal independence; No independent foreign contact; Conubium, commercium, etc. only exercised with Rome
Catilinarian Conspiracy
Catiline promotes seischatheia and redistribution. Loses election for consul. Gathers forces for armed revolution. Cicero and creditors drive Catiline from Rome. Catiline joins rebel forces in Etruria. Senate invokes SCU. Allobroges provide Cicero with proof (December). Cicero arrests conspirators at Rome. Cicero and Marcus Porcius (Young) Cato promote execution. Caesar opposes. Senate votes for execution. Cicero complies. Public opinion is split. Catiline is crushed.
Carinus. Brother of Numerian, defeats Diocletian at Danube but murdered.
own land, make contracts
Senatus consultum
Publicly-recorded illocution exercised by broad consensus among the seante, led by principes; during I, replace Assemblies for legislation regarding public order, private status and standing.
Caesar besieges Pompey
Appointed co-Augustus by Valentinian at age 8; at 19, appoints Theodosius co-Augustus after Adrianople; killed by Magnus Maximus
Disasters under Titus
Vesuvius, Fire
heir to Numidia; exiled by half-brother Jugurtha, apeals to Rome; executed by J
Last stronghold of Italian League. Sulla’s point of departure for Rome, with 6 legions
Lucius Licinius Lucullus
Sole officer to remain with Sulla; arranes escape of Mithridates from Sulla; angered at replacement by Pompey against Mithridates
Pontius Telesinus
Samnite leader, defeated at Colline gate in 82.
Didius Julianus
Wins auction of 193 for 25,000s per Praetorian
Babatha of Petra
Upper middle class woman, kept large stash of letters in Greek, Aramaic, Nabataean and Hebrew; died in cave during Bar Kokbha War; indicates supercession of Roman law to local
Like Papinian, exemplifies conflation of Jurist and PraeP. Murdered under SA, and SA does nothing
Percentage XP by IV
5-10%, e.g. D’s mom and wife
Council of Ephesus
3rd. Outlaws Nestor of Constantinople, who argued that Mary bore Christ as human. Canonizes the term theotokos.
Ends local service
Progression of Caesar’s dict
few days after spain; year after Pharsalus; yearly after Thapsus (46); perpetual in 44
What does Clodius propose?
free grain, collegia reinstated, veto by omen curtailed, exile of Cicero
Limitations on ambitus (2.i-ii)
Cursus honorum: minimum age for P and C; former prerequisite for latter; minimum service prior to Q; 10 year interregnum–>ban on iteration
Familia longinorum
Demonstrate family Splits: Quintus vetos attempts to divest Caesar, flees to Caesar in 50; Cousin Gaius oppoes from start, commands part of Pompey’s fleet; later stars in Shakespeare; his brother Lucius supports Caesar throughout
Valentinian II
Son of VI; Proclaimed after Adrianople; suicides after failed dismissal of Abrogast.
Dacia Felix
Quaetio (of Republican mag)
tried before assemblies
Quaestiones perpetuae (! Foundation)
begin 2.iii; comprise only senators; tried only senators–esp for corruption in provinces. G Grachus transfers to equestrians
L V Flaccus
Colleague of Cinna after Marius’ death. Killed by Fimbria during mutiny.
Served under Q Caepio at Ausculum; proconsul popular
Gallic Senator, declares for Galba
delatio nominis
brought by non-infamis citizen, rather than public prosecutor. However, praetor/other magistrate may refuse to hear. Accordingly, connections sine qua non.
Frankish regent for VII; appointed by Theodosius; appoints Eugenius, a court official
Appointed co-Augustus with Gratian, Theodosius, by latter;
Senate under Caesar
Judaea province
44 (Death of Agrippa)
Thrace province
King of Mauretania; persuaded by Sulla to betray Jugurtha; receives 1/2 of Numidia
Who acclaimed, supported SS?
Upper Pannonia (1), followed by Danube and Rhine (16)
Council of Constantinople
5th Attempts to reconcile Monophysites and Chalcedonians through affirmation of (mutually acceptable) Cyril. However, Pope Vigilius refuses to attend. Sparks schism between Pope+Africa that hinders reconquest
comitia Curiata
Romulan tribes: election of mags, sanctioning of laws, war and peace; later, purely ceremonial and wills, adoptions, etc. dealing with gens
Publicani (Punic war)
supply Spain, receive payment when available, insurance, and exemption from mil duty
Gaius Rabirius
Participates in killing of Saturninus (99). Defended by Cicero (63), in prosecution designed to protest SCU.
Council of Carnutum
(Pannonia): Galerius urges Diocletian to return. Fails. M and M cast out,
Castra Praetoria
Constructed c. 20; houses 9000
quaestio (of private citizen)
Relevant mag appoints assessores and, with their assistance, investigates, punishes, etc.
G F Fimbria
Murders Flaccus, corners Mithridates, crushed by Sulla
triumvir reipublicae constituendus
Auto-legislation, jurisdiction without appeal, nomination of magistracies. In actual practice, however, all three consulted Senate
summa honoraria
Fee c. 20,000s for magistracy.
Son of Theodosius;
Senate under Sulla
Destruction of the Temple
Titus in 70
Tributa (early Republic)
particularly onerous for rich, allowed year-round warfare; ended by 2.iii
Proximate causes of First Triumvirate
Cato blocks Pompey’s efforts at redistribution, Crassus’ to forgive debt to societas for Asia, Caesar’s attempt to stand from outside Pomerium.
Proximate causes of Tetrarchy
M fights Carausias, D fights in Armenia, vs. Saracens; both recalled to Germany–>need
Antonine Plague
LV in East to
L. A. Paulus
Pydna, father of Scip Aem
served under Aemilianus at Numantia; leverages network to moderate Roman response to murder of Adherbal; successful enough even to visit Rome; paraded in Marius’ triumph and executed
Crony of Saturninus. Praetor of 100, rejected for consulship of 99 by Marius. Surrenders to Marius after Scu. Battered to death in curia.
Obligations of republican provinces
Tribute but no troops
M Aemilius Lepidus
Elected consul for 78 with support of Pompey, objections of Sulla. Advocates repeal of Sullan legislation. Leverages unrest among landowners in Etruria, Gaul into rebellion. Defeated by Catulus and Lepidus, flees to exile.
Edictum Perpetuum
From Late Republic, mags published to clarify practice for duration of his office. Hadrian universalized, insulated from changes except by emperor, senate. However, unanimous jurors counted as though law
Clodius Albinus
Acclaimed by Britain (3)
Julia Domna
Revered as mater castrorum, senatus, patriaeque, From Emesa, spoke Syriac and Greek first
PraeP under, murders Caracalla 217; first emperor from outside senate
Greek name of Freedman Illyrian leader of protectores. Abandoned upon accession emperor
One of many powers behind throne between VIII and Romulus Augustus
Council oc Chalcedon
4th. Reiterates duality of Christ. Outlaws Monophysitism
Council of Nicaea
Rejects Arrian heresy–>father and son are homoousios.
Prior to Nicaea, heiresis refers to choice between doctrines. Thereafter, rejection of orthodoxy.
When do plebeian names disappear from list
by 5.iii-iv
Lex Julia de maritandis ordinibus
18 (~de adulteriis) senators banned from freedwomen; freeborn from adulterers; privileges to parents (women with three excused from guardianshipwomen with three excused from guardianship); disabilities on unmarried (cannot inherit if between 25 and 60)
Concilium plebis
From Lex Hortensia (287), summoned only by tribunes and make binding decisions on matters put to them by tribunes
Comitia tributa
Archaic tribes vote simultaneously
Forum for discussion, free speech in an authorized setting. Necessary precursor to legal procedings in comitia