Untitled Deck Flashcards
What type of plexus is the lumbar plexus?
The lumbar plexus is a somatic plexus.
What are the roots of the lumbar plexus?
The anterior (ventral) rami of L1–L4 spinal nerves.
What forms the lumbosacral trunk?
The anterior branches of L4 and L5.
What does the lumbosacral plexus supply?
The lower limb.
Where is the lumbar plexus positioned?
It is formed in front of the lumbar transverse processes, inside the substance of the psoas major muscle.
At the level of what vertebrae is the iliohypogastric nerve located?
The iliohypogastric nerve is located at the level of L1.
What does the iliohypogastric nerve (L1) supply?
Skin: Lower part of the anterior abdominal wall.
Muscles: Anterolateral abdominal wall.
At the level of what vertebrae is the ilioinguinal nerve located?
The ilioinguinal nerve is located at the level of L1.
What does the ilioinguinal nerve (L1) supply?
Muscles: Anterolateral abdominal wall.
It also passes through the inguinal canal.
At the level of what vertebrae is the genitofemoral nerve located?
The genitofemoral nerve emerges at the level of L1–L2.
What does the genitofemoral nerve (L1–L2) supply?
Genital branch: Motor.
Femoral branch: Sensory.
At the level of what vertebrae is the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh located?
The lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh is located at the level of L2–L3.
What does the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh (L2–L3) supply?
It supplies the skin over the lateral surface of the thigh.
Q: At the level of what vertebrae is the obturator nerve located?
A: The obturator nerve is located at the level of L2–L4.
Q: At the level of what vertebrae is the femoral nerve located?
A: The femoral nerve is located at the level of L2–L4.