Until 2.1: Jesus Establishes His Church (Pentecost/Holy Spirit) Flashcards
Branch of Theology that studies the nature, structure, and history of the Church
Greek verb meaning ‘to call out’
Refers to the gathering, or assembly, of the people God calls together to be in a special relationship with Him
Communion of the Saints
All the faithful on Earth, in Purgatory, and in Heaven
We are called to…
Covenantal family bond
Called to worship
Called to eternal life - restoration of Original Holiness and Justice
We are called to….
Covenantal family bond
Called to worship
Called to eternal life - restoration of Original Holiness and Justice
Abraham is…
A biblical model for total trust, obedience, and unwavering faith in God
The Ekklesia starts with…
The church is based on…
The Twelve Apostles’
Peter’s leadership
Sacramental in Nature
Greek term meaning ‘Universal’
Great Commission
Jesus told His followers to “go and make disciples of ALL nations”
Holy Spirit
Sent to ALL the world to continue Jesus’ saving work
Based on God gradually revealing His plan to humanity
Greek word used for Holy Spirit in the Gospels, meaning advocate
10 days after Jesus’ Ascension
Latin for 50th - Occurred 50 days after Easter
Holy Spirit descended upon 120 disciples
Often called “Birthday of the Church”
Extraordinary Charism of the Holy Spirt….
Speaking in Tounges
(Ultimate Charism)
Pentecost reverses…
Tower of Babel
Bringing the Gospel message of salvation to all nations
Ecumenical Councils
Propres the Church forward on its mission
Missions of the Holy Spirit
Propels the Church forward
Unites the members of the Church together with God
Gives believers the grace to follow Christ
To give life to
NT Greek for ‘spirit’, ‘wind’, or ‘breathe’
OT Hebrew for meaning “wind” or “breathe”
To make Holy
Habit or firm disposition to do what is pleasing to God
Special graces, skills, or talents the Holy Spirit gives to each individual Christian or community
Ordinary Charisms
Are at work all around us on a daily basis
Extraordinary Charisms
Involve spiritual powers beyond normal human abilities
After receiving the power given them by the Holy Spirit, the Apostles…
Had the abilities to knowledge needed to properly build up the church on Earth
7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit
1.) Wisdom
2.) Knowledge
3.) Understanding
4.) Counsel (Right Judgment)
5.) Fortitude (Courage)
6.) Piety (Reverence)
7.) Fear of the Lord (wonder and awe)
Ancient Concept
Our actions bear either good or bad “fruit” (results)
When did Jesus give the Apostles the Great Commission
Before his ascension on a mountain in Galilee
What is the relationship between the Ekklesia of the Old Testament and the Ekklesia of the New Testament
OT: the Ekklesia refers to the assembly or congregation of Israel, the chosen people of God
NT: represents the assembly or gathering of Christians who follow Jesus as their Lord and Savior
Why is the church considered the Pillar of Truth?
Because it faithfully preserves, teaches, and proclaims the truth of the Gospel, grounded in Scripture, Tradition, and the authority given to it by Christ