3.2: The Church Is HOLY Flashcards
One who willfully, persistently, and deliberately rejects any church teaching
Free and undeserved gift of God’s loving presence in our lives
Free and undeserved gift of God’s loving presence in our lives
Mystical Body of Christ
Jesus is the head of the body, everyone else is a vital member of the body. Every one has a different purpose/charism, but an important
Church Triumphant
Those in Heaven rejoicing in the glory
Church Suffering
Those in purgatory being purified by prayer
Church Militant
Followers in life long good vs evil battle earth
Person of heroic virtues who is officially acknowledged as holy and believed to be with God in heaven
Process of formally declaring someone a Saint
Intercessory prayer
Asking another to pray on our behalf or praying on behalf of someone else
Immaculate Conception
Mary conceived without Os
Gabriel telling Mary SHE was chosen to bear messiah
New Eve
Mary’s obedience to God overturns Eve’s disobedience
Mary’s unwavering yes to God
Ark of the New covenant
Mary holds in her womb the New covenant
Queen of Heaven
OT Queen is king’s mom Solomon / Bathsheba)
Mother of the Church
Jesus makes Mary spiritual mother on THE cross when he gives her to John’s mom
Greek Terms for ‘Universal’
Means ‘according to the whole’
The Catholic Church…
Calls to all
Has it all
Calls to all…
All nations
Has it all…
Fullness of Christ and Salvation
Great Commission
Go to ALL nations
Tell them ALL the word of christ
A person of heroic virtue who is officially acknowledged as holy and believed to be with God in Heaven
Call to Holiness =
Call to Conversation
What is the universal call to Holiness?
all believers, regardless of their state in life or vocation, are called to pursue holiness and to grow in their relationship with God
What does it mean to say the Church is Holy?
Its sacred nature, its divine origin, and its mission to bring people into communion with God
Where does the Church’s Holiness come from?
Its connection to God and its ongoing work of salvation in the world
What does St. Augustine’s quote “The Church is not a hotel for saints, but a hospital for sinners” mean?
Captures the essence of the Church as a community of sinners in need of God’s grace, gathered together in a spirit of humility and solidarity to seek healing and transformation
What are the 3 levels of sanctification?
Initial Sanctification (or Positional Sanctification): Beginning of the believer’s sanctification journey and occurs at the moment of conversion or regeneration
Progressive Sanctification (or Experiential Sanctification): Ongoing process of growth in holiness and conformity to the likeness of Christ throughout the believer’s life
Final Sanctification (or Ultimate Sanctification): Ultimate completion of the believer’s sanctification at the end of their earthly life or the return of Christ