1.2: Discipleship (Paschal Mystery) Flashcards
Who is called to be Holy
State of goodness in which a person is freed form sin and evil so they can love like God loves
What are the 3 Dimensions of Holiness?
1.) Reveals God’s Holiness
2.) Consecration
3.) Morally Pure
Reveals God’s Holiness
Creation is beautiful
Humans are sacred- made in God’s image
Specifically- Objects/people can be dedicated to God’s sacred service
Generally- All baptized Christians are ‘consecrated’
Morally Pure
Free from sin
Requires a ‘clean’ heart and conscience
What are the 4 aids to Holiness
1.) Intellect Free Will
2.) Self-Reflection and Interiority
3.) The Chruch
4.) Grace
Intellect and Free Will
Natural Law is written in the soul of every person
Human reason ordains us to do good and avoid sin
Self-reflection and Interiority
Self-examination of conscience to improve one’s spiritual life
Relies on well-formed conscience
The Church
Sacraments unite us to Christ and the gifts of the Holy Spirit
Members of the Churhc provide strength, hope, and support
Opportunities for education, prayer, community, and service
Free and undeserved help God gives us to respond to His call to holiness
Growing in Holiness requires…
Going to Mass even when its not “convenient”
Making time for prayer
Making God the most important thing in your life
Making sacrifices to take care of other people
Habitual and firm disposition to do the good
- Allows us to give the best of ourselves to others
The Goal of a virtuous life is…
To Become like God
To Become like God and live a Virtuous life you must…
Perfect intellect and will
Order our passions
Guide our conduct according to reason and faith
To build Virtues, desires you must have include….
Intentionally practice the virtue
Requires being in situations that test your ability to use the virtue
Be willing to sacrifice
The 3 things we receive from God (we are not able to get them ourselves)
1.) Faith
2.) Hope
3.) Charity
Belief in God and all He has revealed to us, because He is truth itself
Desire and expectation of God’s promise of eternal life and the grace to attain it
Love of God above all else and love of our neighbor for His sake
4 types of Grace
1.) Sanctifying Grace
2.) Actual Grace
3.) Sacramental Grace
4.) Charism
Sanctifying Grace
First received through Baptism and gives us share in the divine life
Permanent (habitual) disposition that orients us toward God
Heals our sin and restores our friendship with God
Actual Grace
God’s daily intervention and support for us
Sacramental Grace
Specific to the direct encounter with God experienced in each of the 7 sacraments
Special grace unique to each individual person
Intended to be shared with others to build up the church
We cannot be Holy without…
Being Disciples of His love
What are the 3 ways to become better Disciples of Jesus
1.) Pray for the coming of the Kingdom of God and work toward that goal
2.) Practice the Theological Virtues
3.) Practice the Works of Mercy (Matthew 25 - The Sheep and the Goats)
7 Works of Corporal Mercy
1.) Feed the Hungry
2.) Clothe the Naked
3.) Give Drinks to the Thirsty
4.) Shelter the Homless
5.) Visit the Imprisoned
6.) Care for the Sick
7.) Bury the Dead
7 Works of Spiritual Mercy
1.) Instruct the Ignorant
2.) Admonish the Sinner
3.) Counsel the Doubtful
4.) Bear Wrongs Paitently
5.) Forgive Offenses Willingly
6.) Comfort the Afflicted
7.) Pray for the Living and the Dead
Référés to all members of the Church who are not ordained as bishops, priests, or deacons
The primary role of Jewish priests in Jesus’ time….
Lead the worship in the Temple (animal sacrifices)
Served as judges, teachers, and scribes
What did Jesus do as a High Priest…..
Offered a single sacrifice for the forgiveness of all sin
Taught us how to pray: personal and communal, praise, thanksgiving, petition, humble and honest
Taught us how to sacrifice: dedicating His life for the good of others
Prophets are the ______ of God
How to participate in Christ’s prophetic ministry
Be a witness to Christ in words and actions
Use Charisms to bring about God’s Kingdom
Announce the Good news of Jesus Christ
How to be a witness to Christ words and actions
Know the bible
Share your own experiences of God’s grace
How to use Charisms to bring God’s Kingdom
Chose Christina Service projects that use your unique talents
Share God’s love, mercy, and justice through your talents
Work for justice in your community, the nation, and the world
The lifting up of one’’s mind and heart to God
Change of Heart, Repentance, or Spiritual Conversion
6 forms of prayer
1.) Eucharistic Adoration
2.) Petition
3.) Contrition
4.) Intercession
5.) Thanksgiving
6.) Praise
3 Expressions of Prayer
1.) Vocal Prayer
2.) Contemplation
3.) Meditation
Form of spiritual sloth or carelessness of heart in communicating with God
The ‘Dark Night’ of the Soul
St. John of the Cross used this term to describe feeling abandoned by God
‘Dark Night’ can be a blessing in disguise, drawing us into closer communion with God
Ignatian Meditation
Using one’s imagination to dive into a story from he bible
Experience a very real encounter with God
Guide for those who want a deep relationship with Christ, His bride, and the Church
Theological Virtues
Virtues associated with salvation resulting from the grace of God
-Faith, hope, and love,