Unstructured Interviews Flashcards
An Unstructured Interview is a Q___ method likened to ?
{2 ADJ}
free & open conversation
Within an Unstructured Interview, there might be set t___,
but the questions are essentially a response to ?
the respondent’s answers.
Which sociologists prefer the use Unstructured Interviews and why?
Methods produce detailed data that reveals meanings people attach to behaviour.
The first case study of Unstructured Interviews, which links to domestic violence is done by which two sociologists?
Dobash and Dobash
{Dobash&Dobash} : the name of their study is ?
‘Violence against wives’
{Dobash&Dobash} : they carried out how many Unstructured Interviews?
{Dobash&Dobash} : Each interview took between ?
{Dobash&Dobash} : In order to establish rapport, how long did they spend in contact with victims that they carried out Unstructured Interviews with?
{Dobash&Dobash} : Immediately, what practical advantage can we see with D&D being women?
They have suitable characteristics to carry out research on the domestic violence of women.
Another case study for Unstructured Interviews comes from which interactionist?
The name of Becker’s study was
‘Becoming a ____ _____’
Marijuana User
By doing Unstructured Interviews,
Becker was trying to look at the p___ of people’s behaviour that made smoking marijuana a ?
Enjoyable experience
{Becker} carried out how many unstructured interviews?
{Becker} describes marijuana use as what type of career as he looks from when people started to when they became r__ users?
{Becker} how many ‘steps’ did he reveal?
{Becker} the first step was learning how to do what?
Smoke the drug properly