Unix Commands Extended Flashcards
What does the du command do?
Prints the number of disk blocks -512 byte units, being used by the contents of the current directory.
What does the sort command do?
Sorts the input according to the given option.
What does the cut command do?
Extracts columns out of text files.
What does the tar command do?
Bundles files into an archive.
What does the diff command do?
Finds the differences between 2 files.
What does grep command do?
Search for information using regular expressions.
What does date +%j print?
The number of days since January 1st.
What does date +%s print?
The Unix timestamp.
What does cal -j print?
Displaying the day numbers.
What does du name print?
Prints the disk usage of the entered directory.
What does du -h print?
Prints the disk usage in human readable form.
What does du -s print?
Prints a grand summary of the disk space used.
What does du -a do?
Prints the disk usage of all files and subdirectories in the current directory.
What does du -c print?
Prints a grand total for each file.
What was head -n _ print?
Prints the first blank number of lines instead of the first ten.
What does head -c _ print?
Prints the first blank number of bytes.