universe creation and role of humans Flashcards
genesis stories
The beginning, “and god saw that it was good”
Adam and eve “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”
THe fall “cursed are you above all livestock.”
John Dominic Crossan quote about Genesis
that they told them symbolically and we are now dumb to take them literally.
Young earth creationists view of earth
the bible is all true and therefore it must be taken literally
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth
old earth creationists
the bible is all true, but some parts of the bible are unclear or symbolic.
evolution is proof for all of this
however someone had to create heavens
Bultmann quote about genesis
myth does not want to be interpreted in cosmological terms but in anthropological terms or better, in existential terms.
Quotes from genesis
“And god saw that it was good.”
“God saw all that he made and he saw that it was good” 1-31
Imago dei
a latin phrase meaning image of god and it refers to the relationship between humanity and god.
what is stewardship and dominion
stewarship: belief that humans have a responsibility to look after the world
Dominion: beliefs that humans are in charge
imago dei quote in genesis
“so god created mankind in his own image.”
genesis quote on women
“no suitable helper was found”
criticisms of dominion
no meat was eaten before the fall
adam and eve are caretakers before the fall
not loving thing to do
imago dei quote about genesis
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them;
so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky,
genesis quote on free will
“and the lord God commanded the man”
genesis quote on murder
“whoever sheds humans blood
by humans shall there bloods be shed.”
St iraneus quote on rationality
two stages to this
stage 1: image, that mankind shares certain characteristics with god.
Stage 2: likeness humans must develop there natures to be like god.
karl barth view on imago dei
the realtional aspect is seen in that man is created in the image of god, male and female. Man is capable of of having a relationship with God and other humans.
catholis undermine idea by needing a priest as intermediacy
karl barth view on imago dei
the realtional aspect is seen in that man is created in the image of god, male and female. Man is capable of of having a relationship with God and other humans.
catholis undermine idea by needing a priest as intermediacy
clines view on imago dei
clines interprets the image and likeness of god in genesis from a strictly functional perspective in which the man is the corporeal representative of the invisible bodiless god.
this however is a very legalistic view of christianity.
contrasting views on the stewardship and dominion
Catechism 2417: medically and scientific experiment on animals is morally accepted if it remains within reasonable limits and contributes to caring for or saving human lives.
Andrew Linzey “God loves and cares for creation”
the concept of the difference between body and soul
quote in favour of dualism and against
matthew “don’t fear who can destroy the body”
I think therefore i am
Ohenias gage, changed to a new person after being hit in the head
case study on altruism
stanford prison experiment, the guards became bad people and the prisoners were treated badly. Showing society may be a catalyst
Innate altruism experiment: that when the people needed help the babies tended to help them without any form of conditioning.
niebhur view on human nature
sin is not necessary but invetable, paradox describes out experience
pinkers view on human nature
steadily improving
Augustine view on human nature
flawed, we are morally bad. since the fall, this has caused a disharmony in the world. Akrasia
agustine and calvin views on free will
augustine believes in free will and that we make our own decisions which is necessary for gods judgement, free will leads to goodness and badness in certain situations
man does not have free will all actions are predestined, since the fall no one can be inherently good