peace and conflicts Flashcards
Augustine quote on war
“we do not seek peace in order to be at war, but we go to war that we may have peace.”
reasons to go to war JWS
aimed at correcting an injustice
last resort
must be motivated by the wanting of peace.
During war JWS
not harm civilians
use appropriate force
After JWS
punish war criminals
police military retrained.
Jesus quote on forgiveness
“I tell you not seven times, seventy seven times.
Holy war quote from bible
“when the lord god has delivered them to you and you have defeated them. You must totally destroy them.” Deuteronomy
reasons to enter a holy war
achievement of a religous goal
authoritised by a religous leader
reward of heaven
catholic church view on WMD
“every act of indiscrimate destruction of whole cities or vast areas with there inhabitants is a crime against god.”
“could never be proportionate to the just aims of war” The church and of bomb.
quaker WMD
“to use them is a sin” Quaker faith and practice
four causes of terrorism
political pursuit
religous hatred
to bring fear into other peoples lives
Exlcusive brethren
keep themselves separate from people as they believe that the world is a place of wickedness. Don’t allow any contact with the outside world.
terrorism definition
unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civillians.
COE quote on terrorism
“church members must promote greater understandingand reconcilliation among communities.
Quaker quote on peace
“True peace can’t be dictated , it can be built in co-operation between all peoples.” quaker faith and practice.