rights Flashcards
why were human rights invented
to make a concerted effort to foster international peace and prevent conflict
to set a minimal standard for human rights protection
christian egalitarianism
chiristian complementarianism
men and women were created equally and therefore they deserve to have equal roles between them
men and women have been created differently by God and therefore have different roles.
womens roles in the church
most protestant churches allow women to become monisters or priests. In 2014 protestants voted to allow women to become bishops
Catholicism, men only be priests, be celibate. women no ordained
wolstencraft view on gndr
to be free means free form dominat
oppressed change desires and hug chains to fit real
evidence religion favours men
jesus being a man
eve was created as adams helper
evidence against favour men
in catacombs of vatican womens corpses were found
“and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and co-heirs.”
disability notes
Jesus healed whechair peopl Matthew 9:27-31 healing blind people
therefore what was role?
if someone prays for you then it shows that theythink yo are less
however maybe when Jesus rose he was himself diabled
old testament disability was linked to sin
importance of context
When Jesus was healing people they did not have the equal rights that they do know, so therefore we might have to take a hermeneutical lense and see that he was actually helping them
problems with a multicultural society
decreased cultural identity
cultural assimilation can take time
archbpishop of cantebury
“racism has no part in the christian gospel. It contradicts the lord teachings to love our neighbours as ourselves.”
‘Discrimination on grounds of sex, race, colour, social conditions, language or religion is incompatible with God’s design” catholic church
Christian aids work to prevent racism
rview recruitme
incr involv form board leaderhsip team
what is othering
effect that influences how people perciev in group vs out grop
attributing neg charac to people that are diff to normal social group
implying your superiority over them
cones thoughts on racism
he argues that theology is not universal, but it is tied to theological context
describes god as ontologically black
he is the god of suffering as he is the father of jesus who greatly suffered throughout his life
Teahcing aboit women
A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet
Oscar gutierrez
Bartolomé de Las Casas Institute
freeing the oppressed
acts as peop,e who advocate for anti racism