Universal Attributes and Doshic Theory Flashcards
meaning unmanifested state of consciousness
What has manifested after Avyakta?
The sound Aum. From Avyakta state the subtle vibrations of the cosmic, soundless sound Aum manifested.
What elements came from Aum sound?
From the subtle vibration of Aum came the Ether or Space Element.
Maha Bhuta: Ether
1) Jnanendriya (Sensory Faculties)
2) Sensory Organs
3) Karmendriya (Faculties at Action)
4) Motor Organs
5) Tanmatras (Objects of the senses)
1) Hearing
2) Ears
3) Speech
4) Vocal Cords
5) Shabda (Sound)
Maha Bhuta: Air
1) Jnanendriya (Sensory Faculties)
2) Sensory Organs
3) Karmendriya (Faculties at Action)
4) Motor Organs
5) Tanmatras (Objects of the senses)
1) Tactile Perception
2) Skin
3) Giving and Receiving
4) Hands
5) Sparsha (Touch)
Maha Bhuta: Fire
1) Jnanendriya (Sensory Faculties)
2) Sensory Organs
3) Karmendriya (Faculties at Action)
4) Motor Organs
5) Tanmatras (Objects of the senses)
1) Vision
2) Eyes
3) Walking
4) Legs
5) Rupa (Form)
Maha Bhuta: Water
1) Jnanendriya (Sensory Faculties)
2) Sensory Organs
3) Karmendriya (Faculties at Action)
4) Motor Organs
5) Tanmatras (Objects of the senses)
1) Taste
2) Tongue
3) Procreation
4) Genitals
5) Rasa (Taste)
Maha Bhuta: Earth
1) Jnanendriya (Sensory Faculties)
2) Sensory Organs
3) Karmendriya (Faculties at Action)
4) Motor Organs
5) Tanmatras (Objects of the senses)
1) Smell
2) Nose
3) Excretion
4) Excretory organs
5) Gandha (Odor smell)
Tan Matra in Sanskrit
Tan - subtle Matra - element
List 5 tanmatras
- sound
- touch
- form
- taste
- odor
- smell
The tanmaras are …
the ways in which the objective world is sensed.
Another meaning of tanmaras
Tan also mean mother, and matra also means matter
Dosha meaning
fault impurity mistake
The moment dohsa goes out of balance, they corrupt, or pollute or vitiate the … and then they become dosha (hence they called impurity)
Dhatus (Bodily tissues)
Pathology Meaning
the science of the causes and effects of diseases, especially the branch of medicine that deals with the laboratory examination of samples of body tissue for diagnostic or forensic purposes.
Dosha means three principles that
govern psychophysiological response and pathological changes.
physiopsychology define
The branch of psychology that deals with the interrelation between physiological events, especially in the brain, and mental ones; physiological psychology.
What Ayurvedic Offsprings could be found in Ancient Greek Medicine?
The concpet of Humors or priciples - wind bile and phlegm found in Greek ancient medicine likely are offsprings of Ayurveda.
VATA Subtle energy assosiated with
movement : The pulsation of the heart blinking Muslcle and tissue movement All movements in the cytoplasm and cell membranes
VATA in balance
creativity and flexibility
VATA out of balance
fear, anxiety and abnormal movements
PITTA expresses itself as
body’s methabolic system. It governs digestion, absorbtion, assimilation, nutrition, metabolism, body temperature - all trasnformations.
PITTA in balance
promotes the understanding and intelligence
PITTA out of balance
arouses anger, hatred, jealousy and inflammatory disorders
KAPHA is pricipally a combination of
Earth and water and is the energy that forms the body’s structure, and provides the “glue” or cohesion that holds the cells together. Kapha supplies the water for all bodily parts and systems. It lubricates joints, moistourises skin and maintains immunity.
KAPHA in balance
kapha is expressed as love, calmness, and forgivness.
KAPHA ou of balance
It leads to attachment, greed, possessivness and congestive disorders.
7 attributes of Vata
Dry Light Cold Rough Subtle Mobile Clear
6 attributes of Pitta
Hot Sharp Light Liquid Mobile Oily
12 attributes of Kapha
Heavy Slow/Dull Cold Oily Liquid Slimy/Smooth Dense Soft Static Sticky/Cloudy Hard Gross
Attribute Heavy in Sasnkrit
Attribute Light in Sasnkrit
Attribute Slow/dull in Sasnkrit
Attribute Sharp in Sasnkrit
Attribute cold in Sasnkrit
Attribute Hot in Sankrit
Attribute Oily/ Unctuous in Sanskrit
Attribute Dry in Sanskrit
Attribute Slimy/ Smooth in Sanskrit
Attribute Rough in Sanskrit
Attribute Dense in Sanskrit
Attribute Liquid in Sanskrit
Attribute Soft in Sanskrit
Attribute Hard in Sanskrit
Attribute Static in Sanskrit
Attribute Mobile in Sanskrit
Attribute Subtle in Sanskrit
Attribute Gross in Sanskrit
Attribute Clear in Sanskrit
Attribute Sticky in Sanskrit
Guru (Heavy) Attribute
- Promotes growth in the body
- Meat, cheese, yogurt, and sugar are heavy
- Sleeping is heavy
- Eating and not doing much physical activity is heavy
- We need heavy quality for norishment, groudedness, centeredness, and stability
- too much of this quality slows digestion and metabolism, and creates dullness.
Laghu (Light) Attribute
- increases vata and pitta, dicreases kapha
- opposite of guru is laghu
- attribute that makes body alert and attentive
- too much of laghu creates spaciness, ungroundedness, and instability
- It creates insecurity, fear and anxiety
Manda (Slow/dull) attributes
- increases kapha, decreases vata and pitta
- createss slugishness, slow, action, relaxation, dullness,calm, quiet, silence,
- Rich and fatty foods induce this quality
Khara (Rough)
- increases vata an decreases pitta and kapha
- the opposite of smooth is khara
- khara increases dryness, absorbtion, and constipation
- all raw vegetables are rough and provoke vata
- rough quality is also present in garanzo beans, adzuki beans, black beans, and pinto beans.Even after being cooked, they are still rough, astrigent, produce gas, and increase vata.