Universal Attributes and Doshic Theory Flashcards
meaning unmanifested state of consciousness
What has manifested after Avyakta?
The sound Aum. From Avyakta state the subtle vibrations of the cosmic, soundless sound Aum manifested.
What elements came from Aum sound?
From the subtle vibration of Aum came the Ether or Space Element.
Maha Bhuta: Ether
1) Jnanendriya (Sensory Faculties)
2) Sensory Organs
3) Karmendriya (Faculties at Action)
4) Motor Organs
5) Tanmatras (Objects of the senses)
1) Hearing
2) Ears
3) Speech
4) Vocal Cords
5) Shabda (Sound)
Maha Bhuta: Air
1) Jnanendriya (Sensory Faculties)
2) Sensory Organs
3) Karmendriya (Faculties at Action)
4) Motor Organs
5) Tanmatras (Objects of the senses)
1) Tactile Perception
2) Skin
3) Giving and Receiving
4) Hands
5) Sparsha (Touch)
Maha Bhuta: Fire
1) Jnanendriya (Sensory Faculties)
2) Sensory Organs
3) Karmendriya (Faculties at Action)
4) Motor Organs
5) Tanmatras (Objects of the senses)
1) Vision
2) Eyes
3) Walking
4) Legs
5) Rupa (Form)
Maha Bhuta: Water
1) Jnanendriya (Sensory Faculties)
2) Sensory Organs
3) Karmendriya (Faculties at Action)
4) Motor Organs
5) Tanmatras (Objects of the senses)
1) Taste
2) Tongue
3) Procreation
4) Genitals
5) Rasa (Taste)
Maha Bhuta: Earth
1) Jnanendriya (Sensory Faculties)
2) Sensory Organs
3) Karmendriya (Faculties at Action)
4) Motor Organs
5) Tanmatras (Objects of the senses)
1) Smell
2) Nose
3) Excretion
4) Excretory organs
5) Gandha (Odor smell)
Tan Matra in Sanskrit
Tan - subtle Matra - element
List 5 tanmatras
- sound
- touch
- form
- taste
- odor
- smell
The tanmaras are …
the ways in which the objective world is sensed.
Another meaning of tanmaras
Tan also mean mother, and matra also means matter
Dosha meaning
fault impurity mistake
The moment dohsa goes out of balance, they corrupt, or pollute or vitiate the … and then they become dosha (hence they called impurity)
Dhatus (Bodily tissues)
Pathology Meaning
the science of the causes and effects of diseases, especially the branch of medicine that deals with the laboratory examination of samples of body tissue for diagnostic or forensic purposes.
Dosha means three principles that
govern psychophysiological response and pathological changes.
physiopsychology define
The branch of psychology that deals with the interrelation between physiological events, especially in the brain, and mental ones; physiological psychology.
What Ayurvedic Offsprings could be found in Ancient Greek Medicine?
The concpet of Humors or priciples - wind bile and phlegm found in Greek ancient medicine likely are offsprings of Ayurveda.
VATA Subtle energy assosiated with
movement : The pulsation of the heart blinking Muslcle and tissue movement All movements in the cytoplasm and cell membranes
VATA in balance
creativity and flexibility
VATA out of balance
fear, anxiety and abnormal movements
PITTA expresses itself as
body’s methabolic system. It governs digestion, absorbtion, assimilation, nutrition, metabolism, body temperature - all trasnformations.
PITTA in balance
promotes the understanding and intelligence
PITTA out of balance
arouses anger, hatred, jealousy and inflammatory disorders
KAPHA is pricipally a combination of
Earth and water and is the energy that forms the body’s structure, and provides the “glue” or cohesion that holds the cells together. Kapha supplies the water for all bodily parts and systems. It lubricates joints, moistourises skin and maintains immunity.
KAPHA in balance
kapha is expressed as love, calmness, and forgivness.
KAPHA ou of balance
It leads to attachment, greed, possessivness and congestive disorders.
7 attributes of Vata
Dry Light Cold Rough Subtle Mobile Clear
6 attributes of Pitta
Hot Sharp Light Liquid Mobile Oily
12 attributes of Kapha
Heavy Slow/Dull Cold Oily Liquid Slimy/Smooth Dense Soft Static Sticky/Cloudy Hard Gross
Attribute Heavy in Sasnkrit
Attribute Light in Sasnkrit
Attribute Slow/dull in Sasnkrit
Attribute Sharp in Sasnkrit
Attribute cold in Sasnkrit
Attribute Hot in Sankrit
Attribute Oily/ Unctuous in Sanskrit
Attribute Dry in Sanskrit
Attribute Slimy/ Smooth in Sanskrit
Attribute Rough in Sanskrit
Attribute Dense in Sanskrit
Attribute Liquid in Sanskrit
Attribute Soft in Sanskrit
Attribute Hard in Sanskrit
Attribute Static in Sanskrit
Attribute Mobile in Sanskrit
Attribute Subtle in Sanskrit
Attribute Gross in Sanskrit
Attribute Clear in Sanskrit
Attribute Sticky in Sanskrit
Guru (Heavy) Attribute
- Promotes growth in the body
- Meat, cheese, yogurt, and sugar are heavy
- Sleeping is heavy
- Eating and not doing much physical activity is heavy
- We need heavy quality for norishment, groudedness, centeredness, and stability
- too much of this quality slows digestion and metabolism, and creates dullness.
Laghu (Light) Attribute
- increases vata and pitta, dicreases kapha
- opposite of guru is laghu
- attribute that makes body alert and attentive
- too much of laghu creates spaciness, ungroundedness, and instability
- It creates insecurity, fear and anxiety
Manda (Slow/dull) attributes
- increases kapha, decreases vata and pitta
- createss slugishness, slow, action, relaxation, dullness,calm, quiet, silence,
- Rich and fatty foods induce this quality
Khara (Rough)
- increases vata an decreases pitta and kapha
- the opposite of smooth is khara
- khara increases dryness, absorbtion, and constipation
- all raw vegetables are rough and provoke vata
- rough quality is also present in garanzo beans, adzuki beans, black beans, and pinto beans.Even after being cooked, they are still rough, astrigent, produce gas, and increase vata.
Shlakshna (Slimy/Smooth)
- smooth quality increases pitta and kapha and decrease vata.
- Cheese and oils increase pitta
- avocado and ghee increase kapha
- quality lubricates and makes the body flexible
- shlashna prevents osteoporosis and arthritic changes
Ruksha (Dry)
- increases vata and decreases pitta and kapha.
- It creates dehydration and makes the stool hard and dry.
- This quality causes choking, constriction, spasm, and pain.
- dry weather causes aggrevation of vata under the skin, causing the skin to become dry, rough and cracked
- Fear, nervousness and loneliness are dry
- Ruksha creates isolation, seperation, and rejection
- when person is lonely , dry qualites are aggrevated
Snigdha (Oily and Unctuous)
- oily qualities incrases kapha and pitta, and decreses vata
- brings relaxation
- creates smoothness, moisture, lubrication, and vigor.
- promotes compassion
- Love is oily, liquid, and nourishing because it has quality of snigdha.
Ushna (Hot)
- Increases pitta, decreases kapha and vata
- opposite of cols is ushna
- stimulates gastric fire, improved circulation, digestion, absorbtion and assimilation
- Liquefies kapha, as fire melts wax,calms vata as vata is cold.
- hot causes increase of pitta , and since pitta is hot, it can make person irratable and angry.
Shita (Cold)
- cold qualiy increased kapha and vata, decreases pitta.
- Shita creates cold, numbness, unconsciousness, contraction, stagnation, fear, and insensitivity in the body
- promotes accumulation of mucus, thus raising kapha.
- Cold quality cools down pitta, slows digestion and reduces immunity.
- exposure to the cold could reduce natural resistance of the throat and may help promote a sore throat, if your internal fire (agni) is not strong enough to give protection.
Tikshna (Sharp)
- sharp quality increases vata and pitta , decreases kapha
- opposite of manda is tikshna
- sharp qualities present in cayanne pepper and other spicy foods
- Fire is hot and sharp
- Quality improves learning and concentration, understanding, appreciation and comprehension.
- in excess it can create ulcears
Sandra (Dense)
- dense quality increases kapha and decreases vata and pitta
- meat and cheese are dense
- when vata is provoked, people may crave meat, which brings a feeling of stability
- it promotes solidity, density, and strenght
- The firmness and stability of healthy muscle tissue is kapha
- The dense quality overall is kapha increasing
Dravna (Liquid)
- liquid incrreases pitta and kapha and decreases vata
- Sandra means dense (highly consentrated), dravna (less consentrate) diluted.
- water is dravna
- but if you add too much salt too water it will become Sandra especially when salt stops disolving
- liquid quality promotes salivation, compassion, and cohesiveness.
- excessive intake of water will cause water retention and increase kapha.
Mrudu (Soft)
- soft qualities increased pitta and kapha and decreases vata
- Mrudu creates sofness, delicacy, relaxation, tenderness, love, and care
- provokes mucus and increase kapha in the system
- soft quality calms vata, because vata is rough
- Love is soft while anger is hot, sharp and penetrating: fear is dry and rough.
- Sleeping on a soft water bed increases kapha
Kathina (Hard)
- hard quality increases vata and decreases pitta
- In later stages of disease, it also increases kapha such as when a tumor is formed
- the opposite of mrudu is kathina
- Kathina increases hardness, strenght, rigidity, selfishness, callousness and insensitivity in the mind
- In pneumonia, the lung become hard
- sleeping on a hard bed increases vata
- callouses on the hands or feet is kathina
Sthira (Static)
- static increases kapha and decreases vata and pitta
- promotoes stabiity and support
- sitting quietly includes the static quality and brings stability and healing
Chala (Mobile)
- mobile quality increases vata and pitta and decreases kapha
- chala is the opposite of sthira
- promotes motion, shakiness, and restlessness
- Our thoughts, feelings and emotions are mobile
- insecurity and shakiness come from mobile quality
- the mobile quantity increases vata in the system, while the static quality brings groundness
- jogging, jumping, and physical activity are examples of chala
Sukshma (Subtle)
- subtle quality increases vata and pitta and decreases kapha
- many drugs and herbs are sukshma, subtle
- marijuana increases vata and pitta and makes a person spacey
- alcohol and aspirin are also subtle and especially increase pitta
Sthula (Gross)
- the gross quality increases kapha and decreases vata and pitta
- sthula causes obstruction and obesity
- meat and cheese are gross and increase kapha
Vishada (Clear)
- increases vata and pitta and decreases kapha
- vishada pcifies but creates isolation and diversion
- an ecess of clear quality can manifest from too much cleansing, such as excessive enemas or purgatives.Too much cleansing increases vata and pitta.
Picchila (Sticky)
- sticky qualities increase kapha and decrease vata and pitta
- causes cohesiveness in body and mind
- in excess, it can cause attachment whichis a sign of high kapha
Avila (cloudy)
- Quality increases kapha and decreases vata and pitta
- avila causes lack of both clarity and perception
- all dairy products are avila and increase kapha
is simply the unique psychophysical makeup and functional habits of a person.the prakruti, as ones genetic code, does not change during ones lifetime.
reveals the present state of three doshas. if the present state of the doshas is the same as prakruti, that person is balanced and healthy.
what methods could be used to establish differences between prakruti and vikruti?
- learning life history
- analysing face and the tongue
- taking pulse
It is this difference between prakruti and vikruti that provides the Ayurvedic physician with…
precise information to formulate a program for restoring health.No matter what the constitution, it is possible to achieve optimal health through proper diet, cooking methods, lifestyle, and attitude toward life that specifically suits each individual.
List 4 general categories describe prakruti:
janma prakruti
deha prakruti
dosha prakruti
manas prakruti
Janma Prakruti
- also called karma prakruti, because ir reflects the effects of karmic influencesin the constitution
- We are bound to birth and death by karmic forces that influence the physical, mental, astral and causual bodies.
- genetic prakruti, which is determined at the moment of conception
- genetic prakruti is a combination of the ratios of VPK in the mother and the father at the time
- diet, lifestyle and mental/emotional factors affecting the parents can influence the qualities of VPK in their sperm and ova
Moksha (Liberation)
Moksha cannot be attained until all karmic seeds are roasted in the flame of attention, meditation.
Deha Prakruti
- current bodily prakruti
- includes the fetal prakruti during pregnacy, which is inluenced by mothers diet, lifestyle, enviroment, and mental/emotional states.
- due to aggravation of the doshas in the fetus caused by the mothers diet and lifestyle, the baby could develop cleft palate or spina bifida
- deha prakruti reflects the dharma associated with particular birth
- deha prakruti is also physical expression of the casual, mental, and astral bodies.
Behind every dharma is karma, which is acton.Dharma is duty, responsibility. The mothers dharma and actions influence babys constitiution. physica;/psychological make up reflects the dharma that the individual has taken birth to perform, and the individual will possess abilities that make it possible to fullfill that dharma.
Dosha prakruti
- represents the ratio of doshas present at the time of birth, when the baby takes its first breath.
- season, time, place, date, and planetary disposition at birth can all affect dosha prakruti
- dosha prakruti is deha prakruti expressed in terms of vata, pitta and kapha
Manas prakruti
- term that defines the mental constitution
- it described as three gunas - sattva, rajas, tamas.
What are sattic qualities of mind?
- clarity
- alertness
- attentivness
- love
- compassion
- cooperativeness
What are rajastic qualities of mind?
- self-centeredness
- selfishness
- restlessness
- rajas is movement
- the movement between the observer and observed, between subject and object
What are tamalstic qualities of mind?
- express as dullness
- gloominess
- depression
- sadness
- laziness
- tamas is crystallization of experience
Define jivatman
a tiny bubble of the ocean of consciousness , which is formed because of a movement of stava, rajas and tamas
According to Ayurveda, the heart is…
the seat of the mind.
Summary of prakruti
Janma prakruti, the genetic code at the time of fertilization., does not change.
Deha prakruti can change through the actions of mother.Similarly, manas prakruti is subject to change. A person who is born with more rajastic quality can see his manas prakruti change to a predominance of stave through meditation, yoga, contemplation, or the guidance of the spiritual master.
Characteristics if the Vata Individual
- vata is in charge of the vital life essence, prana.
- when vata (prana) leaves the body, life ceases
Vata in Sanskrit
verb vah means vehicle, to carry or to move.
Vata qualities and attributes
- dry light cold rough subtle mobile and clear with astringent taste
- vata person has light, flexible bodies and big prorating teeth
- small, recessed, dry eyes
- irregular appetit and thirst
- often experience, digestive and malabsorption problems
- tend to be delicate in health, so may have few or no children
Vata behaviour
- vata individuals are easily excited
- alert and quick to act without much thinking
- good imagination and enjoy daydreaming
- loving people but may love someone out of fear or loneliness
- fears of darkness, heights and enclosed spaces are not uncommon in data individuals
- faith is flexible and ready to change, but change does not necessarily last for long
- they require change, often change furniture in the house or move otherwise they get bored.
- they don’t like sitting idle and seek constant action
- due to their active natures, they make good money but spend it on trifles and have difficulty saving
Pitta in Sanskrit
Pitta derived from Sanskrit word tap - means to heat or to be austere
Pitta Qualities and Attributes
- strong digestive fire
- in addition to the gastric fire, also includes the enzymes and amino acids that play a mayor role in metabolism
- neurotransmitters and neuropeptides involved in thinking
Pitta Qualities
- sensitive and reactive bodies
- medium frame and weight
- they seldom gain or lose much weight
- sharp, yellowish teeth
- soft and, at times bleeeding gums
- their eyes are bright, but tend to be sensitive to the light.
- strong appetite and thirst, like cold drinks and sweets
- capability to learn, understand and concentrate
- highly disciplined and excellent leaders
- blesse with wisdom, which sometimes reflected by baldness
- so much wisdom that it burns off their hair
Kapha in Sanskrit
ka meaning water, pha meaning florish (that which is flourished by water)
Kapha Qualities
- Kapha compromises all our cells, tissues and organs
- Kapha molecules tens to stick together to form dense masses and give the body chubby shape
- Lubrication of joints and organs , strong muscles and bones, cellurar secretions, and memory retention are all part of kaphas function .
Vata Attribure DRY
Dry skin, hair, lips, tongue, dry colon, tending towards constipation, hoarse voice
Vata Attribute LIGHT
light muscles, bones, thin body fram, light, scanty sleep, underweight
Vata Attributes COLD
cold hands, cold feet, poor circulation, hates cold and loves hot, stiffness of muscles
Vata Attributes ROUGH
rough, cracked skin, nails, hair, teeth, cracking joints
Vata Attributes SUBTLE
subtle fear, anxiety, insecurity, fine goose- pimples, minute muscle twitching, fine tremors
Vata Attributes MOBILE
- fast walking, taking, doing many things at the same time
- erratic, restless eyes, eyebrows, hand, feet
- unstable joints,
- many dreams
- love travelling and does not stay at the same place
- swinging moods
- shaky faith
- scattered mind
Vata Attributes CLEAR
- clairvoyant
- understand immediately and forgets immediately
- clear empty mind
- experience void and loneliness
Vata Attributes ASTRINGENT
- dry chocking sensation in the throat
- get hiccoughs, burping
- loves oily, mushy soups
- craving for sweet, sour and salty tastes
- tenancy towards constipation
Vata Attributes BROWNISH - BLACK
- Dark complexion
- Dark hair and eyes
- Color of Vata ama eg . dark coated tongue
Pitta Attributes HOT
- good digestive fire
- strong appetite
- body temperature tends to be higher than average
- hates heat
- grey hair with receding hair line and baldness
- soft brown hair on the body and face
Pitta Attributes SHARP
- sharp teeth
- distinct eyes
- pointed nose
- tapering chin
- heart shaped face
- good absorption and digestion
- sharp memory and understanding
- intolerance of hard work
- irritable, probing mind
Pitta Attributes LIGHT
- light/medium body frame
- does not tolerate bright light
- fair shiny skin, bright eyes
Pitta Attributes LIQUID
- loose liquid stools
- soft delicate muscles
- excess urine
- sweat and thirst
Pitta Attributes SPREADING (MOBILE)
- pitta spreads as rash, acne, or inflammation over the body or affected areas
- pitta subjects want to spread their name and fame all over the world
Pitta Attributes OILY
- soft oily skin, hair, feces
- may not digest deep-fried which can cause headache
Pitta Attributes SOUR
- sour acid stomach
- acid PH
- sensitive teeth
- excess salivation
Pitta Attributes PUNGENT
- heartburn
- burning sensation in general
- strong feelings of anger and hate
Pitta Attributes BITTER
- bitter taste in the mouth
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Repulsion toward bitter taste
- cynical
Pitta Attributes FLESHY SMELL
- Fetid smell under armpits, mouth, soles of feet (Socks smell)
Pitta Attributes RED
- Red Flushed skin , eyes, cheeks and nose
- Red color aggravates pitta, does not tolerate heat and sunlight
- Color of pitta without ama
Pitta Attributes YELLOW
- yellow eyes, skin, urine and feces
- may lead to jaundice
- over production of bile
- yellow color of pitta ama
Kapha Attributes HEAVY
- Heavy Bones, muscles, large body frame
- tends to be overweight
- grounded
- heavy voice
Kapha Attributes SLOW/ DULL
- slow walk, talk, digestion, metabolism, sluggish gestures
Kapha Attributes COOL ( COLD)
- cold clammy skin
- steady appetite and thirst with slow metabolism and digestion
- repeated cold, digestion and cough
Kapha Attributes OILY
- oily skin, hair and feces
- lubricated, unctuous joints and other organs
Kapha Attributes LIQUID
- excess salivation
- congestion in the chest
- sinuses, throat and head
Kapha Attributes SLIMY/ SMOOTH
- smooth skin
- smoothness of organs
- smooth gentle mind, calm nature
Kapha Attributes DENSE
- dense pad of fat
- thick skin, hair , nail and feces
- plump, rounded organs
- firmness and solidity of muscles
- compact, condensed tissues
Kapha Attributes SOFT
- soft pleasing look
- love , care, compassion
- ## kindness and forgivness
Kapha Atributes STATIC
loves sitting, sleeping, doing nothing
Kapha Attributes STIKCY
- viscous, cohesive quality causes compactness, firmness of joints and organs
- loves to hug
- deeply attached in love and relationship
Kapha Attributes CLOUDY
in early morning mind is cloud and foggy,
Often desires coffee as a stimulant to stat the day
Kapha Attributes HARD
firm muscles
rigid attitude
Kapha Attributes GROSS
- causes obstruction
- obesity
Kapha Attributes SWEET
- the anabolic action of sweet taste stimulates sperm formation increasing quantity of semen, abnormal function may cause craving for sweets
Kapha Attributes SALTY
- helps digestion and growth
- gives energy
- maintains osmotic condition
- abnormal function may create craving for salty, water retention
osmosis define
the process of gradual or unconscious assimilation of ideas, knowledge, etc.
“by some strange political osmosis, private reputations became public”
Kapha Attributes WHITE
- pale complection
- white mucous
- white coating on the tongue
- color of Kapha ama