Unit Vll - Biosecurity Flashcards
➢ The set of practices and measures that you put in place on your farm to minimize the risk to livestock and crops from any type of infectious or injurious agent
Importance of Biosafety
Sustainable food production
Public Health
Biodiversity Protection
➢ a disease or a biological, chemical, physical or radiological agent or
factor that can cause harm.
➢ is the potential that a chosen action will lead to an undesirable
Risk Mitigation
Eliminate or substitution
Practice and procedure
➢ preventing the introduction of a new pathogen to livestock premises
➢ increase the animal’s ability to resist disease
Bio-exclusion/External Biosecurity
➢ reduce the spread of disease among animals on premises already contaminated
with a pathogen
➢ minimize the number of contacts that result in disease
Bio-management/Internal Biosecurity
➢ prevent the escape and spread of pathogens already present on animal
premises in order to prevent spread to another population of animals
➢ eliminate the sources of the infectious agent
➢ The application of barriers (physical barriers, temporal separation of activities, and procedures) to limit risk of pathogens from infected animals and from contaminated materials from entering an uninfected site or group of animals.
Segregation (Seg)
➢ Described as cleaning and washing to remove visible organic material, disinfecting
and drying; all to reduce and/or inactivate pathogens.
Sanitation (San)
➢ The actions taken to prevent the cross-contamination of uninfected animals by
organizing the flow of animals, people and materials within a farm or a production
Flow Management (FM)
• While not a biosecurity principle protocol in itself, documentation is required to
support, training and compliance with biosecurity
Records (R)
✓ Quarantine new animals for a minimum of three weeks before introduction into the herd.
✓ Wash trucks and equipment.
External Biosecurity