Unit V - Intro Flashcards
How many thoracic nerve pairs are there?
How many pairs of lumbar nerves are there?
How many sacral nerve pairs are there?
How many coccygeal nerve pairs are there?
The 31 pairs of spinal nerves are attached to what structure?
The spinal cord
Which spinal nerve root carries efferent axons from cell bodies located in the anterior (ventral) or lateral horns?
Anterior (ventral or motor) roots
Which spinal nerve root carries axons from cell bodies located in the posterior (dorsal) root ganglion (spinal ganglion)?
Posterior (dorsal or sensory) root
Where, specifically, do the separated rootlets of the spinal nerves’ posterior roots attach to the spinal cord?
At the posterolateral sulcus
Where are spinal ganglia typically located?
Either inside or just medial to the intervertebral foramen, beyond the dura mater
Where are the C1 and C2 spinal ganglia located?
On their respective vertebral arches
What is the location of sacral ganglia?
Within the vertebral canal
What is the location of coccygeal ganglia?
Inside the dura mater
The meningeal branch (recurrent meningeal/sinuvertebral branch) is given off at what spinal levels?
All of them
What is unique about the posterior ramus of C1?
It is one branch and does not split
What is the motor supply for C1 suboccipital nerve?
Rectus capitis posterior major and minor, obliquus capitis superior and inferior, semispinalis capitis
Semispinalis capitis is a part of what muscle group of the back?
Erector spinae
What is the name for the posterior ramus of C1?
Suboccipital nerve
What is the name of the posterior ramus of C2?
Greater occipital nerve
What is the supply of the medial branch of the greater occipital nerve?
Sensory innervation to the posterior neck and scalp
What is the supply of the lateral branch of the greater occipital nerve?
Motor supply to semispinalis capitis, longissimus capitis, and splenius capitis muscles
What is the name for the posterior ramus of C3?
Third (least) occipital nerve
What is the supply of the medial branch of the least occipital nerve?
Sensory supply from skin of posterior neck
What is the supply of the lateral branch of the third (least) occipital nerve?
Motor supply to semispinalis capitis, longissimus capitis, and splenius capitis muscles (same as C2)
What is the supply of the medial branches of the posterior rami of C4-C8?
Sensory supply from the skin of the posterior neck