Unit Test (4) Flashcards
lost his special power when he revealed the secret of his strength
left-handed judge who killed the Moabite king Eglon
sacrificed his own daughter after making a vow to YHWH
refused to be king of the Israelites
judge who fought (with Barak) against Sisera; a song named for this judge is one of the oldest parts of the Bible
Code of Hammurapi
consisted of civil and criminal laws; example of ancient Near Eastern codes
Covenant Code
contained in Exodus; probably the oldest Israelite code
Holiness Code
contained in Leviticus 17-26
Deuteronomic Code
core of the book of Deuteronomy (chapters 12-26)
Priestly Code
found in last part of Exodus, entire book of Leviticus, and first part of Numbers
portable tent shrine that served as God’s place of residence among his people
ban (cherem)
idea that something should be “devoted to destruction,” i.e., separated for Yahweh as exclusively his
from Hebrew meaning “hear”; the Deut 6:4 text that became a kind of creed recited daily
Ritual Decalogue
found in Exodus 34; concerned with worship practices
a blending of religions; for example, the Israelites were warned against blending Yahwism and Baalism
Canaanite god of the storm
Ritual Decalogue
contained in Exodus 34
Ethical Decalogue
contained in Exodus 20; similar to Deuteronomy 5
according to Bandstra, “the Hebrew notion of complete blessing”
Primary History
comprised of the Torah and Former Prophets together
site of covenant renewal under Joshua’s leadership
anointed one
designated to be king
anointed one
rules for determining what is clean and unclean
515 BCE
rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem dedicated
538 BCE
Cyrus allows captives in Babylon to return to their homeland
612 BCE
Nineveh destroyed by Babylonians
597 BCE
Jerusalem captured but not destroyed by Babylonians; first exile
Chronicler’s History
Ezra, Nehemiah, Chronicles
Second Temple Judaism
515 BCE - 70 CE
marks the beginning of Judaism
Book of the Twelve
spans an historical range of some 400 years, including the Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian periods
reformer king killed in battle against Egyptians in 609 BCE; known for his Deuteronomic reform
placed on the throne of Judah in 609 BCE by Pharaoh Neco of Egypt; died just before Jerusalem was captured in 597 by the Babylonians
grandson of Jehoiachin; led second group to return from exile; began rebuilding of temple; Haggai thought he might be the messiah who would restore the Davidic dynasty
allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem after the capture of Babylon
placed on the throne of Judah by the Babylonians following the fall of Jerusalem in 597 BCE; later rebelled, resulting in Jerusalem’s destruction; was last king of Judah
called “Coniah” by Jeremiah; became king just before the fall of Jerusalem in 597 BCE; captured and taken into captivity
illustrated his sermons by doing things such as making a clay model of Jerusalem, laying on his side for an extended period, eating a scroll, and shaving his head
told to “take for yourself a promiscuous woman and have children of promiscuity”
Who is the king rebuked by Isaiah in the last chapter of First Isaiah?
What is the name of a priest taken to Babylon in the first deportation of 597 BCE, who received his call to be a prophet in Babylon and exercised his entire prophetic ministry while in exile in Babylon?
Which book does Bandstra say has 3 distinguishable characters: a male lover, a female lover, and “an independent group of observers called the daughters of Jerusalem”?
Song of Songs
Bandstra says the Deuteronomic historian has a bias against the kings of:
Solomon had about 700 wives and 300 concubines.
Which book is an example of wisdom literature?
According to many scholars, Third Isaiah was probably written
in Jerusalem, after the exile
Who arranged for Naboth’s execution on false charges, and was later thrown out of a window in a subsequent revolt?