Unit Test (3) Flashcards
Which judge started with an army of 32,000 but only took 300 into battle?
Why was the appeal to the Exodus experience in the Covenant Code important?
reminds the people what it was like to be a member of an underprivileged social class
Banstra says that a judge is a sort of superhero.
In what year (roughly) did David become king?
around 1000 BCE
Exodus 16-24 provides an account of the Israelites’ journey from Egypt to:
What was the major innovation of the early monarchy?
the army
What was Achan’s punishment?
He, along with his entire household (including women and children), was stoned to death
What happens after Saul’s death?
David is chosen king and establishes his capital at Hebron
What is the difference between the minor prophets and the Book of the 12?
no difference
Explained in some sources as a punishment from Yahweh, who did not enter the Promised Land?
What is the primary meaning of the Hebrew word translated “holiness”?
Which three Pentateuch sources can be found in the book of Exodus?
J, E & P
What did Absalom do to demonstrate that David was no longer in charge?
have sexual relations with all ten of David’s concubines
What is the name of the prophet who played a significant role in several stories about David, including one where David is rebuked for adultery and subsequent act of murder?
Who was Saul’s son and was also a friend of David?
Name three of the Ten Commandments: A. do not steal B. do not murder C. do not lie D. love your neighbor as yourself E. remember the sabbath day to keep it holy
A. do not steal
B. do not murder
E. remember the sabbath day to keep it holy
Which source is credited with writing the book of Leviticus?
Who did the Hebrews request to appoint a king over them so they would be “like other nations”?
What does God regret doing, according to 1 Samuel?
choosing Saul
Who raped his half-sister Tamar?
According to 1 Samuel, whom does God choose to be the first king of Israel?
What are the Nevi’im?
Who dedicates her son to the service of God because God blessed her with fertility?
Who had a nemesis named Delilah?
Which of the following is NOT an attribute in relation to David as he is depicted in the Deuteronomistic History?
representation of purity
In premonarchic Israel, when “there was no king in Israel,” the highest authority at the tribal level was the ________.
Who killed his half-brother, drove his father out of the capital city, slept with his father’s concubines, but was later killed by the commander of his father’s troops?
Although most scholars say that for a variety of reasons such an attribution is impossible, who was identified as the author of the Pentateuch in pre-critical tradition?
The “Ritual Decalogue” got its name because it
is primarily concerned with rituals for worship
During David’s reign as king who had control over the religious institutions?
According to ancient traditions, who was the primary heir within the family?
the eldest son
Which judge took a Nazarite vow?
The book of Deuteronomy is linked with which king of Judah?
Which books are contained in the Deuteronomistic History?
Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Deuteronomy, and Kings
Which of the following is NOT true?
David’s power base, before becoming king, was in southern Judah
David was anointed king by Elijah
David was anointed king by Elijah
A formula found four times in Judges (including the final verse of the book) is the phrase:
“In those days there was no king in Israel; all the people did what was right in their own eyes.”
What cycle is found in the premonarchic period of the judges among the Israelites?
sin, punishment, repentance and deliverance
A later version of many of the same events narrated in 1 & 2 Samuel and 1 & 2 Kings is found in the books of:
What are the books in the Former Prophets?
Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings
Which of the following is a type of absolute or unconditional law, of which the Ten Commandments is an example?
The books of Samuel contain stories about three main characters. Who are they?
Samuel, David, and Saul
led Hebrews in battles against Jericho and other towns and cities of Canaan
Moses’ sister; like Moses, called a prophet; rebels (along with Aaron) against Moses’ leadership
though ordered to curse the Israelites, blessed them instead
killed Canaanite general Sisera by hammering tent peg through his temple
n order to avoid being destroyed, deceived the Israelites into making a covenant with them
assisted the Israelites in conquering Jericho
a group of “Sea Peoples”; fought with Israel for control of Canaan
wife of Moses
priest who had two sons: Hophni and Phineas
son of Saul