Unit Test (2) Flashcards
Blevins says that for Christians, the Bible’s authority is derivative in the sense that it is based upon a higher authority. That higher authority is:
Most scholars today believe Moses was the author of the Torah.
Bandstra says that in general, the stories of Joseph lack any mention of God: “there are no theophanies, no divine oracles…, no angels or visions, no direct divine interventions.”
The attribution of human characteristics to a nonhuman being, usually a deity is called
anthropomorphic language
Which source contains the majority of the genealogies in Genesis?
Blevins says that since our experiences are relative (different people have different experiences), truth is relative.
A picture or conception of the universe is called a:
According to the Old Testament, the people of Israel got their name from Jacob.
What was the E source?
the Elohist source
In the NRSV, “YHWH” is translated as:
“Elohim,” in the NRSV, is translated as:
What does the word “adam” mean in the Hebrew Bible?
What does Abraham almost do in obedience to his perception of God’s command?
kill his son
Bandstra says the “us” in the verse in Genesis chapter 1 where God says, “Let us make humanity…” probably refers to:
the Divine Council
One of Blevins’s truth-seeking principles is that changing one’s mind can be a sign of progress.
In Genesis chapter 8, one tradition says that Noah sent out a dove to test whether there was dry land. What animal does another tradition say Noah sent out?
Which sources have slightly differing versions of the flood story in Genesis?
J & P
Blevins insists that “a literal reading of the Bible is an essential aspect of true Christian faith.”
What is the “J Source”?
the Yahwist
Blevins says that when science and religion conflict, Christians should give priority to religious truth.
Blevins says that viewing faith and reason as opposed to one another is problematic, because:
all of the above
The Documentary Hypothesis provides an explanation for the main sources behind the entire Hebrew Bible.
Bandstra says that in the Genesis stories, the oldest son is consistently the favored son.
What is the meaning of the Hebrew word adamah?
What is the Pentateuch?
the same as the Torah
Blevins uses the Noah’s ark story to illustrate how the biblical traditions blend together in a perfect harmony.
Of the main sources contained in the Torah, which do scholars believe is the oldest?
In Genesis 1, God creates an inhabitable world out of the waters of:
Which books are in the Tetrateuch?
Leviticus, Genesis, Numbers, and Exodus
What did Martin Luther and other 16th century Protestant reformers do that changed the content of the Bible for Protestant translations, including the King James Version?
left out the Apocrypha
According to Genesis chapter 1, what did God create on the first day?
Who lived longer than any other person in the Bible (according to the biblical account, 969 years)?
Which of the following is NOT an office that Samuel held?
Who sides with the Hebrew spies against his/her own people and thereby deceives the King of Jericho?
What city became known as the “City of David”? (David made it his capital city.)
The tenth commandment in one version of the 10 Commandments states: “You shall not boil a kid in its mother’s milk.”
What was the literal name of the body of water that the Israelites crossed in the Exodus?
Sea of Reeds
Which group was in ongoing conflict with Israel during the period covered in Samuel and Kings? (hint: at one point they captured the Ark of the Covenant)
Which of the following are books of the Tetrateuch?
Exodus, Numbers, Leviticus, Genesis
Elkanah and Hannah were the parents of:
What was the first city attacked by the Israelites (after circling the city and blowing trumpets, the city walls collapsed)?
Which of David’s sons tried to become king by plotting and fighting against his father?
The year of Jubilee comes in which year?
What sort of vow involved refraining from alcoholic beverages, not cutting one’s hair, and not eating anything unclean?
Nazarite vow
What does Joshua chapter 10 say happened to the sun that helped the Hebrews in their battle against the Amorites?
it stood still in the sky for about a day
Which is the final plague in Egypt?
death of the firstborn
Which book within the Torah is Deuteronomy?
The material in the Pentateuch connected with the Israelite sojourn at Sinai comprises about how much of its content?
Which of the following is the oldest ancient law code, dating to approximately 1750 BCE?
Code of Hammurapi
What object did the Israelites convince Aaron to create while Moses was on the mountain?
golden calf