Unit one- Relationships and family Flashcards
For catholics what are the sources of authority
For catholics the sources of authority are:
The magisterium-pope and bishops
Tradition-the lives and writings of inspired christians
The scripture - The bible
What are Jesus’ two great commandments
- Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind
- Love your neighbour as yourself
What should sex be for catholics
For catholics sex should be
Marital-“the sexual act outside marriage is a grave sin” ~ CCC
Unitive-“the two shall become one flesh” ~ Mark
Procreative-“ Be fruitful and multiply in number”~ Genesis
What is meant by sex being maritial
Sex and love is a great gift from God
Sex should be within marriage because marriage is the ultimate commitment
What is meant by sex being unitive
Sex deepens the love between the couple
The couple becomes closer as a result and become more committed
The couple totally give themselves to each other
What is meant by sex being procreative
God creates new life through sex
There is more intensity in self giving when there is a possibility of new life
What is marriage for catholics
For catholics marriage is Sacrement (God is part if the marriage and it is a sign for all to see) Permanent(life-long) Exclusive(demands faithfulness) Live giving(pro creative
What are the arguments for sex before marriage
- Everyone has the right to have sex when they are ready - you shouldn’t be expected to stay celibate
- Today it is common for people to have pre marital sex so the church should accept it
- It is fine as long as you are in a long loving relationship
Catholic views about sex before marriage
- sex before marriage devalues the act
- casual sex is wrong as it can cause hurt
- virginity can make a married couple feel special
- God gave humans the gift of sex to reproduce so sex should only be done when there is a possibility of new life
Name three of the seven conditions for a valid catholic marriage
The couple have to have married out of their own free will
The couple cant be closely related
The couple have to accept the gift of children from God
What is cohabitation
Cohabitation is living together as a couple without a formal commitment
What are the arguments for cohabitation
- it allows the coulpe to develop a strong relationship before marriage
- you can find out if you want to commit for life
- The most important thing for children is a loving relationship
Why are Catholics against cohabitation
- It breaks the sanctity of the marriage and sexual union
- It can create insecurity and a lack of faithfulness
- It promotes casual sex
- marriage vows show public commitment
- There is less commitment within the sexual union
Why cant couples who have married in the catholic church end their marriage
Couples who have married in the catholic church cannot end their marriage because they have vowed “till death do us part” and God is part of the marriage
What is an annulment
An annulment is the ending to a catholic marriage if the marriage was invalid
What is the sanctity of life
The sanctity of life is the christian teaching that life is holy and precious because it comes from God .
-Therefore life should be cared for and protected and only God should end life
What are three catholic church teachings on homosexuality
- sex should be procreative and since gay people cannot reproduce naturally they should be celibate
- same sex marriage is not properly unitive or procreative since they cant have kids
- all people should be respected no matter their sexuality
- homosexuality is not sinful but homosexual acts are.
What are some arguments for the acceptance of homosexuals in the church
- Homosexuality is fully accepted in society today
- Jesus never spoke about homosexuality
- Same sex couples can still adopt and raise children
- Homosexuality is not a choice
What are some arguments against the acceptance of homosexuals in the church
- same sex marriage is not fully unitive or procreative
- Homosexuals cannot naturally reproduce
- God wanted marriage between man and women as shown in Adam and Eve
What are catholic attitudes towards contraception
- It contradicts Gods command to be fruitful and multiply
- it contradicts two main purposes of marriage to be unitive and to procreate
What are other christian views about contraception
- it is a responsible way of family planning
- God created sex for uniting people as well as for procreation
- the morning after pill is unacceptable because it could lead to abortion
- the bible doesn’t forbid it
- having less children may be medically necessary to prevent birth defects
- It can be costly to have a child and it can impact the other children’s well being
What are some key teachings in Pope John paul ||’s theology of the body
- through sex couples show they live for each other in mutual love and respect
- through sex the man and the women give themselves to each other and discover who they are
- sex in marriage is a fulfilment of the love of the husband and wife
- You shouldn’t look at anyone lustfully because it leads to unfaithfulness
- contraception damages the significance of sex
What should a family look like in the catholic church’s eyes
A family should ideally be nuclear as this is where most stability comes from .
All families should provide security,procreation,authority and education for their kids
The family is the church in minature
What are quotes for and against gender discrimination in the bible
“There is neither male nor female you are all one in christ”
“Wives submit to your husbands as the lord
What are three arguments for women priests
The church must modernise if people are going to be part of it
Men and women are equal when they enter the church(through baptism) so should continue to be throughout their lives
Jesus lived in a Patriarchal society - now we live in a modern society
What are three arguments against women priests
Jesus chose men to be his 12 apostles so men should continue to be priests today
Mother Theresa made a massive impact and she was not a priest
The priest acts in the place of christ so he has to be male
What is a type of contraception that catholics accept
Catholics accept the Natural family planning method of contraception which involves having sex during the womens least fertile periods of her menstrual cycle
What are the main responsibilities of the family
- To pro create
- To provide authority ( tough love)
- To educate children
- To provide the children with security