Unit III - Maxilla Flashcards
What are the 5 parts of the maxilla?
zygomatic process
frontal process
alveolar process
palatine process
What are the 5 parts of the body of the maxilla?
anterior surface
infratemporal surface (tuberosity)
orbital surface
nasal surface
maxillary sinus (hiatus)
What attaches to the anterior surface of the body of the maxilla?
nasalis muscle
attachment: maxilla lateral and inferior to the nasal notch –> bridge and ala of nose
function: transverse fibers compress and alar fibers widen the nasal aperature
innervation: facial n. (buccal branch)
blood supply: lateral nasal, angular and infraorbital a.
What are the 6 parts of the anterior surface of the body of the maxilla?
incisive fossa
canine eminence
canine fossa
infraorbital margin
infraorbital foramen
anterior nasal spine
What attaches to the canine fossa?
levator anguli oris muscle
attachment: canine fossa of maxilla –> angle of mouth
function: raises angle of mouth
innervation: facial n. (buccal and zygomatic branches)
blood supply: facial, superior labial and infraorbital a.
What attaches to the infraorbital margin?
(1) levator labii superioris muscle
attachment: infraorbital orbital margin –> lateral aspect of upper lip
function: raises and everts upper lip
innervation: facial n. (buccal and zygomatic branches)
blood supply: facial, angular and infraorbital a.
(2) orbicularis oculi muscle
attachment: orbital margin and medial palpebral ligament –> superficial fascia of eyelid
function: palpebral sphincter
innervation: facial n. (temporal and zygomatic branches)
blood supply: superficial temporal, lacrimal, supraorbital, supratrochlear, dorsal nasal, angular, infraorbital, and transverse facial a.
What is the function of the infraorbital foramen?
transmits the infraorbital n., a., and v.
What is the name and function of the canals of the infratemporal surface (tuberosity)
alveolar; transmits the superior alveolar n., a., v.
What attaches to the orbital surface of the body of the maxilla?
inferior oblique muscle
attachment: maxilla lateral to the nasolacrimal groove –> inferolateral, posterior aspect of the sclera
function: elevation, abduction and extorsion of the eye
innervation: inferior ramus of the oculomotor n.
blood supply: ophthalmic and infraorbital a.
What is the name and function of the groove and canal of the orbital surface of the body of the maxilla?
infraorbital groove and canal; transmits the infraorbital n., a., v.
What are the 2 parts of the nasal surface of the body of the maxilla?
greater palatine canal
nasolacrimal canal
What is the function of the greater palatine canal?
transmits the greater palatine n., a., v.
What is the function of the nasolacrimal canal?
transmits the nasolacrimal duct
What is the name and what attaches to the crest of the frontal process of the body of the maxilla?
Anterior lacrimal crest; medial palpebral ligament
What is the function of the alveolar process?
houses roots of upper teeth?
What attaches to the alveolar process?
buccinator muscle
attachment: alveolar processes of maxilla and mandible, pterygoid hamulus and pterygomandibular raphe –> buccal angle
function: compresses cheek
innervation: facial n. (buccal branch)
What is the name and function of the fossa of the palatine process of the maxilla?
incisive fossa; transmits the nasopalatine n., a, and greater palatine a.