UNIT II Organization for National Security Flashcards
This is governed by the Constitution, federal law, US Government policy regarding internationally recognized law and national interest. This direction leads to unified action.
National Strategic Direction
Since the passage of the National Security Act of 1947, who does the President use as his principal assistant in all matters relating to the Department of Defense
The Secretary of Defense
Who advises the president regarding the matters of National Military Strategy (NMS)?
CJCS - Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff
Who signs the National Security Council policies?
The President
Who is the advisor to the President regarding the matters of National Defense Strategy?
The Secretary of Defense
This Department is the federal department charged with coordinating and supervising all agencies and functions of the government relating directly to nation security and the military.
DoD - Department of Defense
What department maintains these functions:
- Suppert and defend the Constitution of the United States
- Ensure the security of the United States
- Uphold and advance the national policies and itnerests of the United States
DoD - Department of Defense